Other, The Walking Dead, TV Shows

Zombie Audition: Universal Studios Is Casting Walkers in May!


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If you’re looking for a zombie audition or if you’ve always wanted to be be cast as a walker for The Walking Dead, this is your big chance. On May 5 and 6, Universal Studios Hollywood is having a HUGE audition for walkers and human survivors. They are casting about 100 people, both men and women!

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When: If you want to audition, the casting will take place Thursday, May 5 and Friday, May 6. (And callbacks will also be on May 6.)

How to Sign Up: Schedule your appointment at www.USHAuditions.com.

Requirements: They’re looking for men and women between 5’6″ and 6’5″. You must be energetic and you can’t be claustrophobic. (Gotta admit, I really want to know why that is. Where will these zombie actors be, exactly?) Be prepared to perform in tight spaces, darkness, and with fog and strobe effects. You’ll be required to wear a mask.

What you’ll need to do: For your audition, you’ll need to do improvisations and demonstrate “scare abilities.” That sounds like fun to me!

This attraction is going to be spectacular. Universal Studios is working with Greg Nicotero, The Walking Dead’s producer, his special effects company, and other members of the creative team to create the attraction and make it true to the show. So being part of this will be a really great opportunity.

By the way, if you want to see what it’s like to play a zombie extra on a TV show, check out our interview with a girl who played a zombie for Z Nation

And if you want to practice your zombie look, check out these great zombie costumes and makeup kits on Amazon. Some of them are frighteningly realistic!

    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at steph@postapocalyptic.com.

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