TV Shows

Z Nation Extra: Behind-the-Scenes on Becoming a Zombie

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We were so excited to get a chance to talk to Crystal St. Pierre about how she was chosen to play a zombie in episode six of Z Nation on Syfy. We ran into her on Twitter (@StPierreCrystal) and she was thrilled to give Post Apocalyptic Media the inside scoop!

Z Nation Transformation
Zombie transformation: before and after

How did you get the opportunity? 

Of course, our first question was how she got such a great opportunity! She said that an agency called NW Big Fish was broadcasting the opportunity on Facebook, and she borrowed her sister-in-law’s account to apply. Z Nation was choosing extras from a few different agencies, including 20 to 30 from Big Fish.

“One day they held a big audition,” Crystal said. “Up to 50 I would say went in at a time for their audition. … There is no makeup on, you were just in what you normally would wear. Five people at a time went up in front of the directors and did what they said.  It took maybe 3 minutes for the audition per group.”

The auditions were pretty quick, and Crystal was told her agency would call her if she was chosen. And she was! She got a text about a week and a half later saying that she was picked.

Did you pick your own costume or did Z Nation pick one for you? 

“Wardrobe … already had outfits picked out for you all way down to your shoes and socks;  you don’t wear anything of yours,” Crystal said. “You could wear something underneath your clothes, as long as you do not mind getting stained with blood!”

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How did they transform you into a zombie? 

“You’re supposed to show up to set with a clean face and clean natural hair,” she said. “They have makeup artists on scene, so you go to a trailer and you get your makeup done. When you’re getting your makeup done, you are in front of a mirror in a stylist chair so you see the whole procedure happening step by step… Throughout the day they freshen up your makeup and your blood.”

Were there a lot of takes in your scene? 

“Onset you did so many takes of the same thing, where you had to repeat the same action,” she said. “(You had to) remember what position you were in when they called cut, because they shot at so many different angles.”

Did you meet any of the actors? 

“The only time that I talked to one of the main actors was when I arrived on set,” Crystal recalled. “I actually was lost trying to find where I needed to go and I passed Kellita Smith ( I had no idea that she was an actress). She said hi to me and I said hi back we both smiled and I kept walking trying to find someone with a radio so I could get to where I needed to go. … I was so focused on what I needed to do that I did not pay attention to the other actors.”

What was the toughest part of your experience? 

“The hardest part I would have to say was the audition. I am a pretty shy person, to get up in front of all those directors  and the other extras auditioning was stressful… But afterwards (it) felt so amazing that I actually did that… It was a great experience.”

[callout template=”twilight”] Still catching up on Z Nation? You can watch it on Amazon Prime. Click Here![/callout]


    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at

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