News, TV Shows, Y The Last Man

When Does ‘Y: The Last Man’ Season 1 Episode 4 Premiere?

Y the Last Man

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If you’re enjoying Hulu’s new series, Y: The Last Man, then you may be wondering when the next installment is going to air. When does Season 1 Episode 4 drop? Here are all the details.

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Episode 4 Doesn’t Drop Until a Week After Episodes 1-3

While Hulu dropped the first three episodes of “Y: The Last Man” at the same time, you won’t get to see episode four for another week. Hulu often uses this approach for original series, and did the same thing with “The Handmaid’s Tale.” They’ll drop the first three episodes of a new season at once to get the audience hooked, and then release the rest of the episodes one at a time every week.

So Season 1 Episode 4 of “Y: The Last Man” isn’t going to air until Sunday, September 20, one week after the first three episodes dropped in the U.S.

Technically, it will air at 12 a.m. Eastern on September 20, which translates to 11 p.m. Central on September 19, 10 p.m. Mountain on September 19, and 9 p.m. Pacific on September 19 on the West coast. So technically, most people will be able to watch it sometime later in the evening on Sunday, September 19.

Y the Last Man Schedule (with Spoilers)

The first three episodes dropped at the same time. After that, one episode is dropping each week. Here are the titles and the descriptions for the first six episodes.

Episode 1, “The Day Before”: On the eve of the worst crisis in human history, Congresswoman Jennifer Brown clashes with the President. Her children Yorick and Hero reach an emotional crossroads. None of them know their lives are about to change forever.

Episode 2, “Would the World Be Kind”: After a mass casualty event wipes out every creature with a Y chromosome, President Jennifer Brown responds to the crisis. Yorick fears he may be the only survivor. Hero attempts to right a wrong.<

Episode 3, “Neil”: With Jennifer and Yorick reunited, Agent 355 pitches a plan for what comes next. The dead President’s daughter, Kimberly, circles Jennifer’s secret.

Episode 4 is going to be called “Karen and Benji” and the first part of the synopsis reads: “On Jennifer’s orders, Yorick and Agent 355 search for a geneticist who can unravel the mystery of how he survived. Meanwhile, Hero and Sam encounter a dangerous group of women.” This episode premieres on September 20.

Episode 5 premieres on September 27 and is called “Mann Hunt.” The description reads: “Yorick and Agent 355 search for Dr. Allison Mann in war-torn Boston. Back in D.C., Jennifer hides the truth about Yorick from her political rivals.”

Episode 6 premieres on October 4 and is called “Weird Al is Dead.” The synopsis reads: “Yorick, Agent 355, and Dr. Mann hit a snag on their way to San Francisco. As the search for 355 heats up, Jennifer clashes with former cabinet secretary Regina Oliver, who has her eyes on the presidency. Hero is seduced by a charismatic leader, as Sam and Nora grapple with their place in a dangerous group of survivors.”

Episode 7 premieres on October 11.

Episode 8 premieres on October 18.

Episode 9 premieres on October 25.

Episode 10 (the season 1 finale) premieres on November 1. So yes, there are going to be 10 episodes total this season.

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    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at

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