News, The Last of Us, TV Shows

What Time Does The Last Of Us Episode 4 Air?

the last of us episode 4

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Last week’s episode of The Last Of Us left us emotionally wrecked! One of the best TV show episodes of all time, without a doubt, and of course from critics around the world. The latest HBO series has already proved to be successful, shattering records for ratings and viewership. It should come as no surprise that millions of people tune in every every Sunday to watch. With that being said, what time will The Last Of Us Episode 4 Air? Let’s find out.

When Will The Last Of Us Episode 4 Air?

The Last Of Us episode 4, titled “Please Hold on to My Hand”, will premiere on HBO and HBO Max on Sunday, February 5, 2023, at 9:00 PM ET/6:00 PM PT. The monthly subscription fee of $9.99 is not cheap, but it is well worth it to watch the new post-apocalyptic show. And, well, there are a plethora of series that are unquestionably worthwhile! We’ve set up a live countdown so you can see how much time is left till the third episode of TLOU.


And here is a backup timer in case the other one fails for some reason!


Episode 4 should provide additional information regarding Ellie’s condition, as well as more information about Joel’s background. As with other episodes, it will be intriguing to watch how this one begins. The first two episodes were flashbacks to when things were just getting started, and it’s been nothing but suspense. Last week’s was very different, having dipped into the life of Bill and his partner Frank. Which, by the way, left the entire internet in tears. 

The last of us Episode 3

What Happened Last Time on The Last Of Us?

Tina has you covered with reviews of past The Last Of Us episodes. Last time, she began her piece with: “Episode 3 of HBO’s The Last of Us goes in a different direction than expected, showing us the benefits of prepping and giving us a tear-jerking romance!” which was absolutely on point. We followed the story of Bill and Frank, played by Nick Offerman and Murray Bartlett respectively. In the video game, Bill is a survivalist as well, however, his personality is pretty different than the bill we have met on the show last weekend. We’ve written an article looking at the video game and TV show differences. See if we missed anything, should you have played the game, too!

The last of us episode 4 previewHere’s a look at The Last of Us Episode 4. We can’t wait!

Do you think signing up for an HBO subscription is one of the most enticing things you could do right now? I finally succumbed and purchased one for myself. I couldn’t keep waiting any longer. With a second season officially secured, we can anticipate even more mind-blowing episodes! Grab your favorite munchies, settle down, and enjoy the next episode! It will definitely be action packed, judging on the preview. I’m ready, though, and can hardly wait!

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    Valerie Anne is a Type 1 diabetic, mother, tree-hugger, self-proclaimed granola who loves a good horror story through literature, video games, and movies. She also streams art over at

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