Attack on Titan, News, TV Shows

How to Watch Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 12 Online

Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 12

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I’m excited and simultaneously nervous about watching the new Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 12 online. On the one hand, I can’t wait to see what happens next on this phenomenal show. But on the other hand, it’s bringing me closer to the 16th episode, which at the very least will mean a long hiatus. Of course, with so many spoilers for the show posting on social media as soon as the Japanese version releases, we’ll all want to stream the new episode as soon as possible. So here are the details on how you can do that.

Here's how to watch #AttackonTitan Season 4 Episode 12 online (with links!) Share on X

If you want to chat about the Attack on Titan anime, visit our Discord server here. While you wait for the new episode, check out our review of Episode 11 here.

How to Stream Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 12 Online Legally

The new episode (the sub version) drops at 12:45 p.m. Pacific in the United States on Funimation, Hulu, and Crunchryoll. That’s 2:45 p.m. Central/3:45 p.m. Eastern/1:45 p.m. Mountain. If you see spoilers on social media early, it’s just because people already watched the Japanese version, which premieres a few hours before it drops in the U.S. Don’t worry — the episode didn’t leak and you didn’t miss it.

Here are all your links for watching Season 4 Episode 12 online. At Post Apocalyptic Media, we prefer to promote legal streaming links so we can support the very talented people who helped bring the series to life. 🙂

(Post Apocalyptic Media may earn an affiliate commission from some of the links.) 

Funimation: Season 4 Episode 12 (the English sub) will drop at this link. 

(Note: English dubs will also be posted at this link, but they are a few weeks behind the subs.)

To watch the newest episode in the United States, go to Funimation’s link above and change the dropdown menu to Season 4. The new episode will be listed as Episode 71.

You’ll need a paid account to watch the new episode today. You can stream ad-free for just $7.99 a month, so that’s a pretty good deal. If you want to watch it for free, you’ll need to wait about a week.

To get a free account, go to the account signup page and scroll to the bottom of the page until you see a link that reads “Not ready to commit.” Then click on the option to create a free account. Then you’ll have to go to Account Settings and turn off “Restrict Mature Content” before you can watch an episode. But if you want to watch an episode as soon as it airs, you’ll need a paid account.

Funimation is available in the U.S., Canada, UK, Ireland, Brazil, Mexico.

Hulu: Hulu will post Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 12 (sub) here once it’s online. Hulu sometimes gets the English subtitled episode a few minutes later than Crunchyroll or Funimation. If you have any problems making the new episode play, check out our story here on a workaround.

Crunchyroll: Season 4 Episode 12 (the English sub) will premiere at this link once it’s available (and it will be listed as Episode 71.) If you sign up for a subscription for unlimited ad-free anime so you can see the episode right away, it’s just $9.99 a month. This service is available in the U.S., Canada, U.K., Ireland, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, LATAM, Middle East, and Russia. Otherwise, if you have a free account, you’ll need to wait about a week before you can watch the new episode.

Where Can You Watch the English Dub for Season 4 Episode 12?

The English dub for Season 4 Episode 12 won’t be out for about another month. Today, the dub for Season 4 Episode 8 is releasing on Funimation, after it aired first on TV on Toonami. To find out when future dub episodes premiere, just follow Funimation’s link here and change the dropdown menu to Season 4.

How to Watch Season 4 Episode 12 Outside the U.S.

The TV subreddit’s guide also lists these streaming sources for outside the U.S. if you’re wanting to watch Season 4 Episode 12. The times the episode is dropping in other countries may not be the same as the time it drops in the U.S.

  • Wakanim: France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, Suisse, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Quebec, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia.
  • Wakanim: Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Iceland (English subtitles) (French subtitles)
  • Animelab: Australia and New Zealand
  • Aniplus Asia: Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines
  • Netflix: The Philippines, Thailand (several days after initial release; on Reddit, one person has said that the Netflix premiere dates are now Thursdays at 12 a.m. (11 p.m. JKT/THAI) in SEA regions. We haven’t confirmed this.)
  • VVVVID: Italian Sub/Dub in Italy, Malta
  • mtmad (Spanish subtitles)
  • Amazon Prime Video: Italian Sub/Dub in Italy, Malta
  • SelectaVision: European Spanish Sub in Spain
  • iQiyi: Multi-language Subs in China
  • DANET: VietSubs in Vietnam
  • Muse Asia: Cantonese Subs in Hong Kong

Looking Back on Episode 11

There are spoilers below for Episode 11. 

Last week was full of revelations in the Attack on Titan universe, along with a heartwrenching scene where Kaya pretty much stole the entire episode. Kaya was saved by Sasha back in Season 2, when Sasha put herself in between Kaya and a Titan who ate Kaya’s mother. Now Kaya is paying it forward by helping Gabi and Falco, hoping she can live the “spirit” of Sasha toward others. It was a beautiful message that left me in tears.

Lady Azumabito introduced a new observer craft that runs on iceburst stone, and I’m already doubting her sincerity here. And in the post-credits scene (which you can watch above), Reiner called for Marley to attack Paradis now and not wait on the global alliance. I’m guessing because he’s really worried about Falco and Gabi.

So what’s going to happen next? It’s really anyone’s guess.

Want to chat about Attack on Titan with our community? Join our Discord server here. You can also follow us by email here.

    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at

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