TV Shows, Utopia

Utopia Cancelled: What Happened? + Cast’s Last Words and Secrets

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As most of you know by now, Utopia’s been cancelled. 🙁 We’re just as sad as our readers and hate to see it go. YES, we’ll still be looking for fun things to post as the actors return to the real world. What will Crazy Cal be up to next? Will his communal farm stand a chance in the post-apocalyptic world?

But for now, we’ll just share a few whisperings and secrets that have come across our ears. Remember, you can highlight anything in this thread and share it on Facebook or Twitter.

The Last Words on Utopia’s Live Feed

Bella: “So Nikki, are those carrots organic?”

Nikki: “I don’t know Bella…”

Bella: “…Ok good… I’ll just cook it myself.”

Utopia Cancelled: What Happened? + Cast’s Last Words and Secrets Share on X

The Last Two Hours of Utopia

They’re right here. Nothing exciting happened and there was no warning about the announcement. Just a switch to recaps and then it faded to black.

Watch the last two hours of Utopia here. #Utopia Share on X

You were likely charged for your November Premium Passport

Yep, a lot of people are reporting that they were charged for their passport for November, and the show was canceled on Nov. 2. If losing out on $5 bothers you, Fox mentions on their website that you can email for more information.

A Redditor who was going to be a Newtopian chats about his experience

You can read the thread here. He didn’t find out about the cancellation until a friend texted him (NOT the show.) He had filled out an online application, did an interview in NYC where he was asked about hot button topics, and then flown to LA for a five-day interview. He was told that he and the other Utopians had almost complete autonomy and the producers would rarely interfere. The producers told him to be ready because he could be called in to join the show at a moment’s notice.

Aaron’s Last Meal — Included Beard Trimmings!

According to several alert live feed viewers, the last meal Aaron served was potatoes with beard trimmings snuck in, either belonging to Josh or Chris. LOL!

Aaron's last meal on #Utopia included beard trimmings! LOL! Share on X

There’s a Dutch Utopia if you’re really going through withdrawals

Yep! There’s a Dutch Utopia almost identical to ours, except it’s now past year one. No translations though.. Here’s a clip of the intro.

A look back at the Utopians’ Amazon wish lists

Yep, the Utopians had their wish lists online. Amanda had a gift registry for her baby shower that was scheduled for November 9, and you can still visit it here. That’s gotta be sad, having your own baby shower cancelled! Just look at the adorable owl towel and mitt sets. 🙁

And the Utopians had wish lists on Amazon too, that you can still see here.  Aaron still has an American flag hoodie listed, and someone really wanted raw honey. Umm… why? Wasn’t beekeeper Jake supplying honey? Guess we’ll never know.

Bella’s paintings could have sold for more and three are still listed on eBay

You can read more about it on these two highly informative Reddit feeds. One is a discussion of the bids being canceled and one is by a guy who bid over $9,000 on one of Bella’s paintings and his bid was cancelled!

Essentially, Bella’s paintings were skyrocketing on eBay, then all of a sudden it was decided that only people with 15+ feedback could bid. There’s a lot of speculation that Kristen canceled the higher bids, as every time a bid disappeared, she was seen working on the computer on the live feed.

Three are still listed on eBay here, with auctions ending on Thursday. What do you think? Collector’s items?

Crazy Cal’s hat is still listed

fur hat

Yep, the hat I talked about before (here and here) – the authentic one with fur that falls out – is still there. Maybe he’ll offer it for sale on his farm? (UPDATE: Looks like the Utopian Pioneers site is now gone — those links aren’t working anymore.)

The host you were wondering about is a cartoonist!

This is the post he wrote in September about how he was chosen.

And that’s all I’ve got for now… Hope these tidbits help you deal with withdrawal.

(UPDATE: Check out our newest post about the cast’s Twitter and other social media feeds! Please subscribe to the blog to stay updated.)

UPDATE 2017: This post has recently gotten more traction due to a story of a similar reality show ending unexpectedly. If you never saw Utopia, you can watch it on livestream here.


    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at

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