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‘The Walking Dead: World Beyond’ Season 2 Episode 10 Review & Recap: ‘The Last Light’

TWD World Beyond S2E10

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The Walking Dead: World Beyond Season 2 Episode 10, “The Last Light,” was a highly entertaining and action-packed ending for the series. In this past season, this spinoff has surpassed “Fear the Walking Dead” in terms of storyline quality. The series finale not only wrapped up all the major storylines (albeit, with some moments that did stretch believability a bit), it also tied back to the main series, revealing information that could open the door for new spinoffs in the future. The ending made this a must-watch series for all Walking Dead fans.

Warning: This article contains major spoilers for The Walking Dead: World Beyond Season 2, Episode 10, “The Last Light.” This is a review from the early showing on AMC+. The episode releases on TV on December 5.

This was a tension-filled finale from beginning to end. By the time the show ended, I found myself growing attached to some of the characters and hoping that we’ll see them again in other spinoffs. There were also a few major revelations that viewers are going to be pondering for quite some time.

Huck’s Fight Scene with Jadis Was Disappointing


The first part of the episode basically involves everyone fighting to get to their designated locations in order to continue fighting the CRM. Felix has an interesting scene where he’s fighting a CRM military member, and it gets a little campy. We had a few fights in this episode where realism was traded for dramatic effect, and this was one of them.

Another was Huck’s big “final fight” with Jadis. For some reason, Huck decides that she just has to make this a fair fight and tosses Jadis a weapon to increase Jadis’ odds of winning. It was just a weird moment that I can only reconcile in my mind by believing that Huck actually wanted to die. But then she also warns Jadis about the bomb that’s going off, giving Jadis time to escape. I needed a Picard facepalm meme to pop up on the screen at that moment. For all the effort that went into building Huck’s character, I feel like they could have written her death scene a little better. The best thing to come out of that fight was Jadis’ comments about Rick, where she revealed that he was an “A,” but she lied and labeled him a “B” so he would live. Apparently all the “A” people became part of the CRM’s laboratory experiments. Yikes.

Dennis & Silas’ Final Scene Was Gut-Wrenching


The show more than made up for Huck’s death scene with Dennis’ death scene. Talk about heart-wrenching! Dennis was one of the few people to truly believe in Silas’ potential. But as the CRM are closing in, Dennis tells Silas that he has to shoot and kill him in the head, in order to convince the CRM that he was captured against his will and killed Dennis to escape. Dennis believes he’s going to die anyway and it’s the only way that Silas can live. Silas has been through so much already, and this moment is just unfair for him to have to face. But life in the apocalypse is unfair pretty much all the time, and Silas does what he has to do in order to continue to survive.

Jadis doesn’t really believe Silas’ story, but decides that he will be useful to the military anyway. Then she has a strange scene with Elizabeth, where she reveals that she has somehow convinced Major Gen. Beale to arrest Elizabeth and place all the blame for what happened on her. This was another scene that I had trouble believing, but it did serve to push forward a storyline where Jadis is rising the ranks and gaining power. She’ll more than likely show up in future series iterations, perhaps in the long-awaited Rick movies.

The characters did succeed in some of their goals, but as with any major war, they lost some battles along the way too. They were able to blow up the weapons that the CRM was going to use to take out Portland, buying that city extra time. And now Iris is on her way with some of the crew to warn Portland about the war that’s heading their way. Hope, meanwhile, decides to stay behind with her dad to continue his scientific research. They’re still seeking a way to destroy reanimation once and for all, but this time without the genocidal push from the CRM.

Elton is alive, but he lost his arm after a zombie bit him. And Silas is now part of the CRM’s military, going deep undercover kind of like Huck did, except working for the opposite side. If anyone appears in a future episode of another series somehow, I think it will be Silas.

We’ll Be Talking About the Post-Credits Scene for Quite Some Time


And then there is THAT post-credits scene. The ending we’ll be talking about for quite some time. We see the CDC official from season 1 of The Walking Dead (Dr. Jenner.) There’s a video recording of him talking with someone from France, where they basically seem to hint that the virus originated in France. And on top of that, the French somehow created an even worse version in their attempt to cure it. This version creates much stronger zombies who are a much bigger threat. And that, apparently, could be why the CRM is so desperate to do whatever it takes to try to find a way to stop them. (To read more about what was said and our theories, see our story about the ending scene here.)

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    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at

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