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Netflix currently has 29 different post apocalyptic TV shows you can watch right now on instant streaming. Below you’ll find our list of the top ten post apocalyptic TV shows you can watch right now followed by an indiscriminate list of every TV show in the post apocalyptic genre that Netflix has available to stream. We cast a wide net so dystopia, end of the world, alien invasion, and robot uprising – it’s all fair game.
Below you’ll find:
(1) the Top 10 Post Apocalyptic TV Shows you can watch right now on Netflix followed by
(2) an indiscriminate list of all the TV Shows in the post apocalyptic genre that Netflix has available.
Intro to the 2019 List
In between our 2017 and 2019 lists, Netflix dropped about 50 out of 58 post apocalyptic movies from the platform. In that time, they also added about 52 new movies, bringing the total to an impressive 60 on-demand post apocalyptic movies. That is a very high amount of turnover. But Netflix does not have the same philosophy when it comes to TV shows.
From the time we began making this list several years ago, Netflix has only removed 18 TV series from their catalog and between 2017 and 2019, only one of our top ten has been removed. In addition, while Netflix has allowed their post apocalyptic movie category to languish with b-rated titles, they continue to stream quality critically acclaimed hits on the TV side of things. Many of which are currently running series.
This list was made on February 13 2019, and I’ll keep it updated all year long, so if you see something good on Netflix that I don’t have; Please leave us a comment below or send us a message through email or use the web form on our Tips page (whatever floats your boat) so we can add it to the list. And feel free to come back to this page periodically to see a current list until the 2020 list is published.
Keeping the top spot from last year (and the year before that), AMC’s The Walking Dead is the best post apocalyptic TV series on Netflix. The best seasons are the newest seasons, no doubt about it, thought the series did lose momentum somewhere in season two and three, it is now running full speed ahead.
When earth is covered in deadly radiation, people launched orbiting space ships to live in until the radiation died down. When supplies in space run out before the earth is safe, an expedition of 100 child-criminals are sent to the earth on a lark to see if it’s survivable down there. The 100 starts from there, and has a really solid story.
Still in second place, The 100 is a phenomenon – a huge hit especially among teens. You’ll know very quickly if this show is for you. The plot is solid, and the nuclear wasteland is believable. Sometimes the characters act like stupid teenagers and it frustrates me. A few characters inexplicably gain combat skills, or lose their political power. I guess I’m saying that there’s a lot to love and a lot to hate about the 100. But I have to watch it as soon as it airs – so it certainly meets the “addictive” test.
The 100 Opening Credits – Best of Show
Most alien stories outline the great struggle of man against the aliens. But what if the aliens were so much better than us that it didn’t even make sense to fight back? What if humanity truly had no choice but to obey or die? Colony is the story of a beaten humanity, trying desperately to survive under tyrannical alien rule.
Colony has been cancelled after just two seasons, but it still deserves the number three spot on our list. There is still time to bring it back, and we wrote about those efforts here.
There is nothing on TV like Z Nation right now. This show is really outside the box – melding zombie drama with comedy and …video games? It’s hard to describe, but the absurd things that happen in Z Nation somehow remind me of genre games like Fallout and Left 4 Dead.
Oh, and when you kill someone on Z Nation to keep them from becoming a zombie, you say “I grant you mercy”. While other shows get bogged down in moral dilemmas about killing the doomed, Z Nation makes a tradition of it. This is my kind of zombie show.
Z Nation has recently been cancelled, and now all five seasons are available for streaming. But fans of the series rejoice! A Z Nation prequel called Black Summer has been green-lit by Netflix. We wrote all about this development here.

Jericho explores what would happen if America suffered a surprise nuclear attack. No warning, no war declaration, just bombs, all over the country. This show is about a small town that is thrust into that situation, coupled with a complete lack of communication with the outside world.
It’s really good.
Actor Lennie James really knocked it out of the ballpark with his role as Robert Hawkins. He currently stars on The Walking Dead with a similarly awesome character named Morgan Jones.

In Van Helsing, the vampire-human war has come and gone with humanity on the losing side. A few survivors band together and try to fend off the vamps – who clearly lack the impulse control required for the sustainable farming of humans.

The Shannara Chronicles is kind of like the Lord of the Rings if it were set in a post-apocalyptic earth. It’s weird. It has Crixus from Spartacus starring as a magical druid. Huge men with gas masks are called “Trolls”, and remnants of modern civilization dot the landscape where elves, half-elves, humans, and other creatures struggle for supremacy.
Shannara Chronicles is now cancelled after a great second season. Like Revolution before it, Shannara Chronicles had a mediocre first season followed by an enthralling second. And like Revolution, it was promptly cancelled. Alas. It was fun while it lasted.
Not having enough nightmares? Watch this anime about creepy smiling naked giants who eat people alive. A lot of people like this show, and there was even a pair of movies released recently. The premise really jumps out at you from the start. Humanity is doomed and it’s clear to see why. For starters, their technology is circa 1700. Also, man eating giants the size of skyscrapers are pretty much everywhere.
This will definitely not be for everyone, but some people will love it. Mankind is fighting for survival against insurmountable odds. The creepy factor might be a hurdle for you, or it might be the main draw. Whatever the case, this is a fun one to watch with the kids… Or the pastor.
Attack on Titan has only one season available on Netflix, but more seasons can be had elsewhere.
Master List: All Post Apocalyptic TV Shows on Netflix
If it’s a TV series about the end of the world, and it’s on Netflix, it will be in this list. We’ve looked through the entire catalog to make sure we didn’t leave anything out. Here is every single post apocalyptic TV show on Netflix.
Note: 1S = 1 Season
Netflix Originals
Other Series
Post Apocalyptic Shows We’ve Lost
Terra Nova
Sarah Connor Chronicles
Adventure Time
Doomsday Bunkers
Doomsday Preppers
Doomsday Castle
The Stand
Battlestar Galactica (1978)
Earth 2
Eve of Destruction
Exploding Sun
Did we miss something?
Please leave us a comment below or send us a message through email or use the web form on our Tips page so we can add it to the list. Thanks!
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Derek is a licensed (non-practicing) attorney with a keen interest in avoiding catastrophe. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
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Bump up The Rain There are 2 Seasons now, as well!