A new trailer for The Handmaid’s Tale Season 5 has released, and fans are doing a deep dive to find the biggest hidden clues that might point to major plot twists this season. Here’s what they found so far.
The Trailer Focuses on June’s Battle with Serena
The trailer, which you can watch below, focuses on June’s ongoing battle with Serena.
There’s a lot of discussion about how Gilead won’t put up with a Handmaid killing a Commander, even one who has received asylum in Canada. But June also talks about wanting to implicate herself even more by making sure Serena knows, without a doubt, that she was the one who led Fred’s killing.
Serena seems to want revenge on June, while simultaneously being scared that she will never be safe if June seeks revenge of her own.
There are several scenes indicating that June still has a romantic connection to Nick, while continuing to be close to Luke. And it appears that Luke decides to enter Gilead himself to try to get Hannah, and June is determined to go with him. This part bothers me the most, because I really don’t want the show to return to a story of June’s mistreatment in Gilead. I prefer seeing her lead a rebellion from Canada.
Here are some other key moments that fans found in the trailer.
Esther Is Going to Have a Dark, Painful Storyline This Season
Quite a few screenshots from the newest trailer indicate that Esther is in for a world of hurt this season. Esther was the 14-year-old Gilead wife that hid the Handmaids on her farm for much of Season 4. But then her farm was raided and she was captured, sentenced to being made a Handmaid herself. Janine encouraged her not to fight back so she’d have a better chance at survival.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, McKenna Grace (who plays Esther) said about Season 5: “She’s going to put up a fight. I hope that she isn’t just done and gives up, because I don’t think that’s who she is.
There was a hospital scene in the trailer that I had thought was Serena for some reason, but Redditors have identified the character as being Esther.

One Redditor, HaleoDicapricorn, wrote that you can clearly see obygn-related tools on the table next to where Esther is.
It’s not clear if the scene happens before or after Esther and Janine are both found passed out on the floor, and you can see that the bed at the top of the scene has blood on it.

Redditors have quite a few theories, including that perhaps Esther tried to kill herself after Fred’s funeral. One Redditor noted: “They’re both wearing the funeral head cover still.”
Some think that she is being artificially inseminated in the hospital scene, perhaps after trying to induce an abortion in the previous scene where she’s found on the floor.
Whatever is happening, it’s going to be very dark.
Something Shocking Happens with the Putnams

It looks like Ever Carradine has a pretty intense scene here. Redditor MsMajorOverthinker wonders if the Commander “will be murdered in front of a crowd by a handmaid.”

Then we see Nick’s face with blood on it, which might be from the same scene. Could this be connected to Esther’s scenes in the trailer somehow? Does Esther try to kill Commander Putnam?
June Is Returning to Gilead

I mentioned this earlier in this story, but it really does look like June and Luke are re-entering Gilead. I’m not excited about this chain of events, to be honest.
Redditor Violet_Sky212 wrote, “I have so many mixed feelings about this. I’m soooooooooo tired of June almost leaving Gilead, then almost leaving again, and then finally leaving…. only to go back to Gilead again. Tons of people put their own lives on the line to get her out time and time again, and she is willing going back.”
They conclude though by saying that they think June’s boring in Canada, so maybe she needs to go back to Gilead for better TV content.
I don’t personally think June’s been boring in Gilead, and I’d rather see her stay in Canada to continue the revolution. It’ll be interesting to see what happens.
Redditor Kokaburr also observed, “Towards the end with June on the bus, the person on the left of the screen looks like a Martha given the clothing. Back in Gilead?”
Here’s the screenshot from that moment:

This very well could be a moment when June is in Gilead.
Is June Kissing Nick in the Trailer?

It also really looks like June is kissing Nick in the trailer, during this scene. So while she and Luke are getting close, things are heating up again with Nick too.
Serena’s Story Will Take an Unexpected Turn

There are also some interesting comments about Serena on Reddit, but I can’t find the exact moments in the trailer that they’re talking about.
Kokaburr wrote, “Serena looks like she’s in a barn, or something outside… like she’s giving birth? Her hair is sweaty, she’s dirty and she’s screaming.”

That comment is likely a reference to this moment in the trailer above. Is Serena giving birth while on the run somewhere?
But then that same comment mentions this: “Serena crying, there are guards behind her that do not look like Gilead guards, but who tf knows at this point, and she’s also pretty naked looking save for a cami (based on the strap). Maybe they kept her and decided that she was going to pay for what she’s done to Fred?”
I can’t find that moment in the trailer, but will add it to this story if I do. Another person commented that this might mean Serena is in the Colonies, which is interesting but I’m not sure how that would end up happening.
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