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The Handmaid’s Tale Season 4 Episode 7: Trailers Reveal Major Storylines

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After the phenomenal, emotionally raw episode last week,  fans are eager for The Handmaid’s Tale Season 4 Episode 7 to finally arrive late Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning. In addition to the Hulu trailer, we also have an Israeli trailer that reveals scenes for the upcoming episode that Hulu’s trailer didn’t show.

These trailers reveal storylines and spoilers for #TheHandmaidsTale Season 4 Episode 7. Share on X

This article has minor spoilers for The Handmaid’s Tale Season 4 Episode 7, along with major spoilers for how Episode 6 ended.

The New Episode Is Called ‘Home’

When Season 4 Episode 6 ended, June and Luke were reunited for the first time since Gilead came to power. Moira sacrificed her new relationship in order to save June. In a heartbreaking scene, June apologized to Luke for not bringing Hannah back with her, and then stepped off the boat into freedom for the very first time.

The synopsis for this next episode reads: “June struggles with her newfound freedom, reuniting with loved ones and confronting her nemesis, Serena.”

This is the official synopsis released by Hulu.

This means we will finally see June confront one of the Waterfords from a position of power, and I can’t wait for that moment.

Hulu’s Trailer

First, here’s the official trailer from Hulu.

June makes it safely to Canada without any last-minute shenanigans, the trailer seems to indicate. She’s welcomed onto Canadian soil by what’s left of the U.S. government. June’s reunited with Nichole and struggles with feeling like she doesn’t deserve this freedom. But Moira assures her that they all did what they had to do to survive.

June is out for revenge against the Watefords, understandably, and Fred is apparently telling Serena they should stick together now. I guess that means he’s worried? There are a few interesting screenshots in the trailer you might want to take note of. It looks like she gets a chance to reunite with Moira and Emily, which is a nice touch.


And she gets to reunite with Nichole.


This interesting scene in a chapel looks like it’s a Serena scene.


This photo with Luke crying looks like she’s putting on her Handmaid’s cloak again for some reason, and her hair is back in a bun.


I doubt they’d be sending her back to Gilead, though. (They better not!) I’m wondering if it’s some type of psychological ploy on Serena perhaps.

Oh, and did you catch the brief moment where we see Alma’s eyes? I’m guessing a flashback or PTSD moment.

The Israeli Trailer Reveals More

Once again, the Israeli trailer reveals more about what to expect than the Hulu trailer.

We can see from the trailer that Serena is in the chapel praying for her baby. And Fred is trying to manipulate and unite with her again because she’s pregnant. But Serena is standing strong against him and telling him not to presume to know what God wants. But what’s interesting is that Serena appears to have a baby bump that looks larger than I’d expect in this scene. So I’m not sure if there’s a time jump or if it’s simply that more time has passed than I thought.

We also get to see that June is going to have a meeting with Tuello. It’s not a surprise this is happening, but I’m super curious what’s going to come of their meeting.

Finally, this trailer doesn’t show June in the Handmaid’s cloak with Luke, so that’s interesting. There’s still a possibility that she is NOT wearing the cloak and it just appears that way because it’s red.

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    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at

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