If you saw Season 3 Episode 8 of The Handmaid’s Tale (and Lydia’s surprising back story), then you probably can’t wait to see Episode 9. And like many viewers, you’re probably really wanting spoilers. And we’ve got them. Read on to get the best spoilers and predictions for Episode 9.
Wow! Check out these spoilers for Episode 9 of #TheHandmaidsTale. Share on XThis post will have spoilers for Episode 9 (of course). You’ve been warned.
First, let’s check out the official promo video for Episode 9 in the U.S.
It looks like June is going to be forced to stay by OfMatthew’s bedside, after OfMatthew went crazy in episode 8, tried to shoot Aunt Lydia, and was shot instead herself. I thought OfMatthew was dead, but it looks like she’s brain dead, and they’re trying to keep her body alive until the baby is born. June is being punished and forced to stay with OfMatthew and seems to not be sleeping. Check out these photos from the trailer. The cinematography is gorgeous.

But what’s most interesting to me is Janine of all people calling out June on The Handmaid’s Tale. That’s a twist I wasn’t expecting.

And then that scalpel scene with Serena. Maybe June’s losing it.

But most fans who enjoy spoilers agree that the Israeli trailer is MUCH better than the U.S. trailer. Watch the Israeli trailer below.
June looks a lot more messed up in the Israeli trailer. We learn from this trailer that June is being kept with OfMatthew because they believe her brain will atrophy if she’s in isolation. Interesting. (Then again, that comment could be about June and why she’s going crazy.)
Interesting fact: If solitary confinement lasts more than 14 days, it’s considered torture by the UN because of the lasting effects. The National Commission on Correctional Health Care’s position on solitary confinement includes: “Prolonged (greater than 15 consecutive days) solitary confinement is cruel, inhumane, and degrading treatment, and harmful to an individual’s health… Prolonged solitary confinement should be eliminated as a means of punishment… Solitary confinement should never exceed 15 days. In those rare cases where longer isolation is required to protect the safety of staff and/or other inmates, more humane conditions of confinement need to be utilized.”
Sleep deprivation can lead to serious problems much faster. I wonder if June is sleep deprived?

But it also looks like they’re having a lot of trouble keeping OfMatthew alive. She’s having seizures and they’re having trouble sustaining her for the baby.

And it looks like Janine’s outburst happens after June says that she knows of a way to help her.

Then we see that June actually does attack Serena, after Serena can tell that June isn’t doing well. How long has June been locked up with OfMatthew?

So a lot more is going on, and that Israeli trailer helps fill in the gaps for Episode 9.
On an interesting note, u/Smylie1 shared a synopsis for Episode 9 that was shared in Australian TV listings more than two weeks ago. It reads: “Confined in a hospital, June’s sanity begins to fray. An encounter with Serena Joy forces June to reassess her recent actions.” Soooo, that puts a different spin on the scalpel attack, doesn’t it?
If you haven’t seen The Handmaid’s Tale, you can watch Season 1 here. Or check out the book the series is based on here. There’s also a movie from 1990. You can watch it on Amazon here.
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