This The 100 Recap will not only look back at “Bodyguard of Lies,” but it will also prepare us for tonight’s first part in the two-part finale. But I’ll admit, I’m not ready for this show to end. Are you? It’s way too soon.
[Tweet “It’s FAR too early for #The100 to be ending its season. Already suffering withdrawals.”]
First, please take this little poll. Do you think Lexa will die before we start the new season?
[poll id=”4″]
[Tweet “Will Lexa die? Take the poll! #The100”]
Now, to get us in the mood, check out this fun GIF of Murphy that a Redditor made. I also really enjoyed this photo montage of Racoon Lexa by another Redditor. And don’t forget — you can highlight anything in this post & automatically share it on FB or Twitter!
Now on to more serious things: the recap of “Bodyguard of Lies”!
It’s Only Been 49 Days Since They Reached Earth
According to one of the writers/producers, it’s only been 49 days since the 100 reached Earth. Seriously, ALL OF THIS happened in just 49 days? Not even a full two months? Does anyone think maybe that timeline is a wee bit unrealistic? Could anyone even heal from their injuries that fast?
[Tweet “#The100 have only been on the ground 49 days. That’s crazy!”]
It was mentioned before that the Sky People have been genetically engineered to some degree, so maybe that accounts for the super fast healing. But wow, with all this happening in just 49 days, every single member left in The 100 should be suffering some serious PTSD.
Jaha Is Still My Favorite Character

Jaha is my favorite character, hands down. And really, I need to find some inner source of motivation for everything like Jaha does. I mean, most of his followers left him and others died. It’s now down to him and three other people. JUST FOUR PEOPLE LEFT.
Does this discourage him AT ALL? Nope. Not Jaha. He’s on a mission and his enthusiasm is every bit as high with people dying and just a few left as it was when he started. Heck, I get one job rejection and think: “Nooooooo. It’s all over now.” Jaha could get TEN MILLION job rejections for TEN YEARS, be living in the streets, and still think: “It’s good. I’m on the right path.”
Murphy: Sooo…. Another person blew up.
Jaha: Whatevs! Soldier on.
Murphy: But there are only 3 of us left, plus you. Don’t they say you can only be a leader if you have…followers?
Jaha: So, you want to return to the group that is partnering with a tribe that tried to slaughter them just last week? Yeah, that will work out.
[Tweet “NOTHING dampens Jaha’s enthusiasm. #The100 @The100Writers”]
Jaha’s a great analogy to Moses. I think he will be the one to set his people free. He’s living out in the desert now, like Moses did. He will come back and rescue everyone.
No One Missed Abby, But We Did Miss Kane
Abby was conspicuously absent from this episode. No one was sad about that. She keeps trying to put warm jackets on her daughter and feed her chicken noodle soup, while hoping Clarke will conveniently forget that she caused her dad’s death. But now she’s being “holier than thou” because Clarke caused more people to die than she did. :-/ It was OK to not have her in this episode.
But it was NOT OK to not have Kane.
My Prediction: Lexa Isn’t Going to Last Long
So Lexa and Clarke had that kiss that everyone’s talking about. But really, I feel like their relationship was rushed a lot more than Clarke and Bellamy. And even Lexa knows Bellamy is Clarke’s first choice (this is why she was so jealous of him… “You like Bellamy don’t you? He’s the one you want to live the most, even more than ME!!!!”)
And after the kiss? Clarke immediately regretted it. She’s gonna pull a Finn-to-Raven when Bellamy returns.
[Tweet “Clarke will pull a “Finn-to-Raven” on Lexa when Bellamy is back. #The100 #Bellarke”]
Not that it matters, because I’m pretty sure Lexa’s going to die. They’ve set it up big time with the whole “my spirit will find a new leader when I die” thing. And now that Octavia’s mad at Clarke, Octavia will be the obvious choice.
[Tweet “Calling it: Lexa will die and Octavia will replace her. #The100”]
Props to a Few Other Characters
Indra scored HUGE points with me. I couldn’t stand her in the beginning. But her answer to Octavia about Clarke’s choice really hit home and almost convinced ME too. It’s war. Bad things happen. Blame the enemy, not the leader. Good stuff.
Cage is going down and no one is sad about that! But will the Grounders/Sky People kill any of our Mountain allies? Will Bellamy’s sidekick die? I’m a little nervous.
Raven needs to let go of Finn and move on. They were already broken up. Finn left her for a girl he’d known for a couple days. Time to move on to something better!
What did you think of the episode? Would love to read your comments below.