The Walking Dead, TV Shows

Talk to The Walking Dead cast via Google Plus on Tuesday, Feb. 3

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This is your chance to talk to The Walking Dead cast, including Andrew Lincoln, or ask a question so profound that the showrunner immediately wants you to advise on the show. (OK, maybe that last one’s a little far-fetched. But it’s my dream! I’d love to write for The Walking Dead.) 🙂 However, there’s some conflicting information about how to go about attending the Google Plus hangout. I’m detailing everything below.

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Talk to the Walking Dead cast on Google Plus

The big Google Plus Hangout event is happening Tuesday, February 3 at noon EST. Andrew Lincoln (Rick), Lauren Cohan (Maggie), Michael Cudlitz (Abraham), and showrunner Scott Gimple will be there, so it sounds like it’ll be pretty amazing. Oh, and you’ll get a sneak peak of the premiere airing on Sunday!

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Here’s the deal: There’s some conflicting information floating around. According to AMC’s blog and its official Hangout page (where you’ll go to watch the Hangout), you don’t have to do anything in advance to watch the Hangout. Just show up and log in.  (And apparently you can also watch it on YouTube.)

However, reported yesterday that you need to fill out a survey to attend and be available up to 90 minutes in advance.

Here’s what I think is going on… I’m guessing that if you want to submit a question, you’ll need to fill out this survey that linked to (the survey is here) and some applicants will be picked to attend. The survey itself makes it sound like you can’t even attend the Hangout without being picked from the survey applicants. But I think that’s poorly worded, since all of AMC’s official information says you can just log in. I think you can’t ask a question live during the Hangout unless you fill out the survey, confirm your computer has the right tech specs, and are picked. I could be wrong though. :-/

This is all still a little iffy. AMC’s Walking Dead Google Plus page, on January 28, posted a link to the same form and stated “Fill out the form for a chance to join the TWD Hangout.” However, the official Twitter account provides a link for submitting questions, but doesn’t say you must fill out the survey to attend. And the official Google+ Event Hangout page says nothing about filling out a survey to attend. If you want to go, you just RSVP with your Google+ account and show up that day…

I’ve tweeted my question about this to The Walking Dead. Until I get an answer, I suggest that you fill out the survey just in case, and log in anyway tomorrow if you want to watch.

    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at

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