Anime, Chainsaw Man, News, TV Shows

How to Watch Chainsaw Man Episode 4 Online

Chainsaw Man Episode 4 Streaming

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Chainsaw Man Episode 4 will premiere at 9 a.m. Pacific on Tuesday, November 1, 2022. So this means that in different time zones, you might be watching in the late morning or even at lunchtime. We were left on a bit of a cliffhanger after Episode 3, so we can’t wait to see what happens in Episode 4 (and if there’s any chance that Meowy is still alive!) Read on to learn all the details about how to stream the Chainsaw Man Episode 4 sub online, along with some direct streaming links that will help for both the U.S. and across the world. 

Post Apocalyptic Media may earn affiliate commissions from the Hulu links in this story. 

Streaming Chainsaw Man Episode 4 Online

Chainsaw Man (MAPPA)
Chainsaw Man (MAPPA)

Let’s dive right in and not waste a single second! Chainsaw Man Episode 4 premieres in the U.S. at 9 a.m. Pacific/10 a.m. Mountain/11 a.m. Central/12 P.M. Eastern on Tuesday, November 1, 2022. Crunchyroll not only reported this time, but also confirmed it with Post Apocalyptic Media.

Don’t forget: This is the time the English sub drops for Episode 4. Later in the day, the English dub for Episode 2 will drop. Then in a couple of weeks, the English dub for Episode 4 will finally release too. 

There are only two legal options in the United States for streaming English subs of the anime: Hulu and Crunchyroll. Both services, thankfully, do offer some free options too, which we’ll talk about more below. We recommend using the legal options, because we want the producers and crew to get credit for all our views (which will help ensure that we get more seasons in the future!) 

The subs can’t be found on Netflix, Amazon, or Funimation in the U.S. Other countries will have it on Netflix and Amazon, but not here. (At least not any time soon.) 

Below are links and details on how you can catch Episode 4 for free with the right setup. Have both streaming platforms ready if you can, since servers can sometimes get overwhelmed, leading to an episode being delayed. 

Stream Chainsaw Man Episode 4 on Hulu (Links)

Hulu gets the Chainsaw Man subs at the same time that Crunchyroll gets them. (The same setup is in place for Attack on Titan’s new episodes too.) 

To watch Chainsaw Man Episode 4 on Hulu, click here to go to Hulu’s main page. Then on the main page, go to the search bar, type in Chainsaw Man, and you’ll be taken to the anime’s page. That’s where you’ll see all the English subtitled episodes, including Episode 4 once it’s 12 p.m. Eastern. 

(Note: If you don’t see the episode, try playing Episode 3 and jumping to the end, to see if Episode 4 automatically plays after. Sometimes this works if it’s not on the menu yet.) 

If you want to watch Chainsaw Man Episode 4 on Hulu for free, Hulu offers a free trial here. This free trial lasts for a month, so that will give you time to test out the platform and compare it to Crunchyroll. 

Watch Chainsaw Man Episode 4 on Crunchyroll (Links)

To watch Chainsaw Man on Crunchyroll, click here to go to Crunchyroll’s Chainsaw Man page. Scroll down and you should see S1 and the subtitled episodes. Episode 4 will be added as soon as it’s available.

If you don’t see Episode 4 and it’s 12 p.m. Eastern, you can use the same trick we talked about in the Hulu section. Try going to Episode 3, jumping to the end, and letting it keep playing. It might go straight to Episode 4. If it doesn’t, the servers might be overloaded and you may need to wait a bit. 

To watch Chainsaw Man Episode 4 on Crunchyroll for free, you’ll need a free trial from Crunchyroll. You can only get this if you have an email that’s never paid for Crunchyroll or used a free trial previously. All of the free trial options are here. They include 14-day free trials for Fan, Mega Fan, and Ultimate Fan accounts. All three include no ads. 

How to Stream Chainsaw Man Episode 4 Outside the U.S.

For those outside the U.S., the streaming options for the subs are very different. Some countries even have access to the episode on Amazon or Netflix, while it’s not available that way in the U.S. Chainsaw Man’s official website (translated by Google) notes the following streaming platforms for international viewers: 

  • Amazon Prime Video (likely only in Japan) 
  • Netflix (likely just in Japan, according to Beebom
  • Ani-One (India, some Asian countries, according to Beebom)
  • Animax Korea (South Korea)
  • Biliable (China)
  • Disney+ (Japan) 
  • ABEMA Premium (Japan) 
  • dTV (Japan)
  • d Anime Store for Prime Video (Japan)
  • BE (Japan)
  • J:COM on Demand Mega Pack (Japan)
  • milplus (Japan) 
  • Paravi (Japan) 
  • SPOOX (Japan) 
  • Tuesday (Japan) 
  • U-Next (Japan) 
  • WOWOW on demand (Japan) 
  • Animeka (Japan) 
  • anime times (Japan) 
  • All-y0u-can-eat anime (Japan) 
  • au smart pass premium (Japan) 
  • bandai channel (Japan) 
  • Hikari TV (Japan) 
  • Flat video (Japan) 
  • Crunchyroll is available in North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania, the Middle East, and CIS

Remember that the new episode airs about an hour after it aired in Japan on TV, so spoilers will be floating around the Internet. 

Episode 3 Recap & Chainsaw Man News

Chainsaw Man Episode 3 (MAPPA)
Chainsaw Man Episode 3 (MAPPA)

You can check out our full review of Episode 3 here, but a briefer recap is below. 

There are spoilers below for Episode 3. 

When the episode stars, Makima is concerned because Power killed a civilian hunter’s devil and might be considered “guilty of obstructing their business.” She later faces the Public Safety board, who reminds her not to get to close to these “hounds.” But she sees potential in both Power and Denji — especially because Devils get their power from how much they’re feared, and chainsaws tend to be really feared. 

In a funny later scene, Denji agrees to help Power rescue her cat, Meowy, from the devil who stole her cat  — in exchange for touching her boobs. It’s funny how he only kind of sympathizes with her (since he’s a dog person, not a cat person) until she gives him that offer. This episode had a lot of lighthearted moments, which really made those tougher, sadder moments hit that much harder. 

Like the flashback we had of Pochita crying when Denji couldn’t find him, knowing that only Pochita’s heart still lives. Or the flashback of Meowy bonding with Power, and then cutting to the Bat Devil eating Meowy. Then Power basically sacrificed herself (maybe to try to save her cat?)

We then got to enjoy a really great battle between the Bat Devil and Denji, with Denji eventually coming out victorious. But it wasn’t easy, and it wasn’t without a lot of casualties in the process. 

We’re left not knowing Power or Meowy’s fate, but I’m really hoping we’ll see both alive in Episode 4. 

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    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at

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