Attack on Titan, News, TV Shows

How to Watch Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 27 Online

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Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 27 premieres today! Here are all the details you need on how to watch Attack on Titan S4E27 online, including streaming links and what time you’ll want to start watching for them. The episode is also called Episode 86 on some platforms, and the episode’s title is “Nostalgia” or “Retrospective,” depending on your translation.

Here's how to watch #AttackonTitan Season 4 Episode 26 online with links! Share on X

Watch Attack on Titan Episode 86 Online

Post Apocalyptic Media may earn an affiliate commission from some of the links.

Remember that the time for the English subs has changed! Attack on Titan Episode 86’s English sub drops in the United States at 4:45 p.m. Eastern today (Sunday, March 20, 2022.) In other U.S. time zones, that’s 1:45 p.m. Pacific/2:45 p.m. Mountain/3:45 p.m. Central. Representatives of Crunchyroll and Funimation confirmed these times with us, which has changed due to Daylight Savings.

Below are links where you can stream Season 4 Episode 27 online. We’re only pYromoting the legal links for watching, so we can support the creators and animators. Funimation’s link can also be used to get a free trial and test the platform.

Watch AoT on Funimation: Season 4 Episode 27 (Episode 86) will drop the English sub at this link.

To watch S4E27 on Funimation, click the link above and change the dropdown menu to Season 4. The new episode will be listed as Episode 86 (“Nostalgia” or “Retrospective”) once it’s available. You’ll need a paid subscription (or a free trial for a paid account) to see it. You can stream ad-free for just $7.99 a month, which is the least expensive option of all the streaming platforms in the U.S. Funimation is available in the U.S., Canada, UK, Ireland, Brazil, Mexico.

If you want to watch Episode 86 for free, you’ll have to wait a week.

Watch AoT on Crunchyroll: Season 4 Episode 27 will premiere at this link once it’s available (and it will be listed as Episode 86.) If you sign up for a subscription, you can see the episode right away. It’s $9.99 a month, which is a bit more than if you use Funimation. Crunchyroll’s episodes are available in the U.S., Canada, U.K., Ireland, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, LATAM, Middle East, and Russia.

Watch AoT on Hulu: Hulu will post Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 27 at this link once it’s online. If the episode doesn’t appear on Hulu once it’s supposed to drop, our story here gives a solution that can sometimes help.

How to Watch Season 4 Episode 27 Outside the U.S.

If you’re wanting to watch “Nostalgia” (or “Retrospective”) outside the U.S., your options may be different depending on where you’re living. The time it drops might also change. The details below are courtesy of the TV subreddit’s guide. This will help you get started, but some details might have changed so you’ll want to double-check based on where you live.

  • Amazon Prime Video: Italian Sub/Dub in Italy, Malta
  • Aniplus Asia: Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines
  • Animelab: Australia and New Zealand
  • Crunchyroll: Also available in Canada, U.K., Ireland, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, LATAM, Middle East, and Russia
  • DANET: VietSubs in Vietnam
  • Funimation: Also available in Canada, UK, Ireland, Brazil and Mexico
  • iQiyi: Multi-language Subs in China
  • mtmad (Spanish subtitles)
  • Muse Asia: Cantonese Subs in Hong Kong
  • Netflix: The Philippines, Thailand (typically several days after initial release.)
  • SelectaVision: European Spanish Sub in Spain
  • VVVVID: Italian Sub/Dub in Italy, Malta
  • Wakanim: France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, Suisse, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Quebec, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia.
  • Wakanim: Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Iceland (English subtitles) (French subtitles)

Season 4 Episode 26 Refresher

Read our full review of last week’s episode, “Traitor,” here. Below is a quick recap.

Last week’s episode, “Traitor,” was gut-wrenching (to say the least.) The Rumbling has already reached the shores of Marley, so the team has to move fast to try to secure the port and stop the Jaegerists. And while Armin, Conny, and the others had hoped to do this without bloodshed, their plans fell apart when Floch quickly saw through the deception and warned his troops.

All of this led to a heartbreaking showdown between Samuel and Daz versus Armin and Conny. You may not remember, but we had seen these two fighting alongside Armin and Conny since season 1. They had a long history together, and Sasha even saved Samuel’s life once. (You can read more about their history in our story here.)
Armin and Conny ended up paving the way for Reiner and Annie to turn into Titans and attack the port, killing numerous Jaegerists in an attempt to spare the flying machine and save Lady Azumabito. Seeing those two Titans fighting — and knowing that Conny and Armin provided the deception that let them attack — was chilling, even knowing that what they were doing was ultimately for the better of humanity.

Of course, Samuel and Daz were confused too, because they feel like they are only protecting their homeland and they haven’t been left with any other choices. The whole scene before they were killed was just heartbreaking and so sad.

In the end, Conny flashed back to a chilling conversation he had with Bertholdt, and seems to be understanding things from his point of view better now.

Now there’s a lot left to figure out. Will the Hizuru’s flying boat allow them to actually reach Eren? What is Eren doing right now? Will Mikasa even have a chance of talking him out of it? Is Levi still going to try to kill Zeke and, if so, how is going to accomplish that being as injured as he is? What is going to happen to Floch?

There’s a lot left to uncover, and little time to do it.

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    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at

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