Attack on Titan, News, TV Shows

How to Watch Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 24 Online

Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 24 (Funimation)

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It’s Attack on Titan Sunday again! Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 24 drops this afternoon, Sunday, February 27, 2022. Read on to learn how to watch Attack on Titan S4E24 sub (Episode 83 on some streaming platforms) online, including streaming links for the new episode and the time they’ll be available.

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How to Stream Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 24 Online

Post Apocalyptic Media may earn an affiliate commission from some of the links.

Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 24’s English sub will drop in the United States at 3:45 p.m. Eastern today (Sunday, February 27, 2022.) In other U.S. time zones, that’s 12:45 p.m. Pacific/1:45 p.m. Mountain/2:45 p.m. Central. A Funimation representative confirmed this with Post Apocalyptic Media, and the sub drops at the same time on other streaming platforms too (like Hulu and Crunchyroll.)

Below are links for watching Season 4 Episode 24 online. Many of these streaming platforms offer free trials, which you can use to test the platform if you haven’t used it before. We’re only promoting the legal links for watching in the list below. This is so we can better support the creators and animators.

Watch AoT on Funimation: Season 4 Episode 24 (Episode 83) will drop the English sub at this link. You can also get a free trial here to test the service.

To watch Episode 24 on Funimation, click the link above and change the dropdown menu to Season 4 (at the time the episode is supposed to drop or any time after.) The new episode will be listed as Episode 83 (“Pride.”) You’ll need a paid subscription (or a free trial for a paid subscription) to see this new episode. You can stream ad-free for just $7.99 a month, which is the least expensive option of all the streaming platforms in the U.S. Funimation is available in the U.S., Canada, UK, Ireland, Brazil, Mexico.

If you want to watch Episode 83 for free, you’ll have to wait until next week. The newest episode will be locked until then.

Watch AoT on Hulu: Hulu will post Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 24 at this link once it’s online. If the episode doesn’t appear on Hulu once it’s supposed to drop, our story here gives a workaround that can sometimes make it appear. Hulu sometimes glitches and doesn’t show the episode on its episode list right away, even if it’s been uploaded.

Watch AoT on Crunchyroll: Season 4 Episode 24 will premiere at this link once it’s available (and it will be listed as Episode 83 on this platform.) If you sign up for a subscription, you can see the episode right away. It’s $9.99 a month, which costs a bit more than if you use Funimation. Crunchyroll’s episodes are available in the U.S., Canada, U.K., Ireland, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, LATAM, Middle East, and Russia.

Every week, the episode premieres a few hours earlier in Japan on TV (without subtitles) before it’s in the U.S. Avoid YouTube and other social media sources today until you’ve had a chance to watch the new episode, or you might get spoiled.

How to Watch Season 4 Episode 24 Outside the U.S.

To watch the new episode “Pride” outside of the United States, you’ll need to use a different streaming platform, with a few exceptions. The details below are courtesy of the TV subreddit’s guide. This is a good jumping off point, although details might have changed since the list was first published. The episode premiere times might also be different than they are in the U.S. The list below is by streaming service.

  • Amazon Prime Video: Italian Sub/Dub in Italy, Malta
  • Aniplus Asia: Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines
  • Animelab: Australia and New Zealand
  • Crunchyroll: Also available in Canada, U.K., Ireland, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, LATAM, Middle East, and Russia
  • DANET: VietSubs in Vietnam
  • Funimation: Also available in Canada, UK, Ireland, Brazil and Mexico
  • iQiyi: Multi-language Subs in China
  • mtmad (Spanish subtitles)
  • Muse Asia: Cantonese Subs in Hong Kong
  • Netflix: The Philippines, Thailand (typically several days after initial release.)
  • SelectaVision: European Spanish Sub in Spain
  • VVVVID: Italian Sub/Dub in Italy, Malta
  • Wakanim: France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, Suisse, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Quebec, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia.
  • Wakanim: Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Iceland (English subtitles) (French subtitles)

Season 4 Episode 23 Refresher

Read our full review of last week’s episode, “Sunset,” here. Below is a quick recap.

Last week’s episode, “Sunset,” had less action than previous weeks, but it made up for this by telling us the stories of how many characters, including Annie, Hitch, Connie, Mikasa, Armin, Gabi, and Reiner are dealing with the fallout of Eren’s genocide.

We saw Annie’s backstory and how she never felt attached to anyone, except her father when he showed her love for the first time in her life before she left for Paradis. Now, whether it makes any logical sense or not, everything she’s done is to try to get back to him. But back in Marley, he’s confronting the Marleyan authorities and may have been shot.

Armin, meanwhile, has his own breakdown and hurts Mikasa’s feelings in the process. Armin’s overwhelmed by everything falling apart around him, and he feels the only good he can do left in the world is somehow stop Connie from feeding Falco to his mom. But there’s a foreboding moment where I’m left worried that he’s going to sacrifice himself to achieve his goals.

Mikasa is still laser-focused on Eren, to the point that she notices her scarf is missing. Who took it?

Gabi and Kaya, meanwhile, have found a mutual understanding of each other and even hugged when Gabi left with Armin to track down Connie.

In a strong contrast, Floch is still 100% sold on Eren’s genocide and is getting ready to lock up the volunteers, including Yelena. Yelena seems to have lost all will to live, thinking that Zeke may not be alive. And Floch killed one of her supporters just to prove a point. He tells Jean that Jean can go off and live a hero’s life, returning to his former life in peace, but Jean seems horrified by that idea.

Connie remains hell bent on bringing Falco to his mom, and Falco can’t remember where he knows Connie from.

But we did get one bit of good news. Levi is alive! He’s seriously injured, but Hange did manage to save him. And now she’s face-to-face with Pieck and Magath as the episode ends.

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    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at

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