Attack on Titan, News, TV Shows

How to Watch Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 23 Online

Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 23 (Funimation)

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I’m pleased to announce that today is Attack on Titan Sunday. Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 23 drops today, Sunday, February 20, 2022. Read on to learn how to watch Attack on Titan S4E23(also known as Episode 82) online, including streaming links for the new episode and the time they’ll be available.

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Watch Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 23 Online

Post Apocalyptic Media may earn an affiliate commission from some of the links.

Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 23 (the English sub version) is going to first be available in the United States at 3:45 p.m. Eastern today on Sunday, February 20, 2022. If you’re in a different zone, that will be 12:45 p.m. Pacific/1:45 p.m. Mountain/2:45 p.m. Central. A Funimation representative confirmed this time with Post Apocalyptic Media. It’s the same time that the episode will drop on Hulu and Crunchyroll unless any of the services have delays.

Here are the best links for watching Season 4 Episode 22 online. Many of these streaming platforms also offer free trials. We’re also promoting the legal links, so we can better support the creators and animators.

Watch AoT on Funimation: Season 4 Episode 23 (Episode 82) will drop the English sub at this link. You can also get a free trial here to test the service.

To watch Episode 23 on Funimation, you’ll need to click on the link above and change the dropdown menu to Season 4. The new episode will be listed as Episode 82 (“Sunset.”) You’ll need a paid subscription (or a free trial for a paid subscription) to see the newest episode. You can stream ad-free for just $7.99 a month, which is the least expensive of the legal options. Funimation is available in the U.S., Canada, UK, Ireland, Brazil, Mexico.

If you want to watch Episode 82 with a free account, you’ll have to wait until this time next week. The newest episode will be locked until then. To get a free account, go to the account signup page and scroll down until you see a link that reads “Not ready to commit” and then proceed from there.

Watch AoT on Hulu: Hulu will post Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 23 at this link once it’s online. If the episode doesn’t appear for you on Hulu once it’s supposed to drop, our story here gives a workaround that can sometimes make it appear.

Watch AoT on Crunchyroll: Season 4 Episode 23 will premiere at this link once it’s available (and it will be listed as Episode 82.) If you sign up for a subscription, you can see the episode right away. It’s $9.99 a month, a little more than Funimation. Crunchyroll’s episodes are available in the U.S., Canada, U.K., Ireland, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, LATAM, Middle East, and Russia. Just like with Funimation, free account holders will be able to see the episode next week.

As always, the episode premieres a few hours earlier in Japan without subtitles before it’s available in the U.S. You’ll want to avoid social media, YouTube, and the like if you don’t want to get spoiled.

How to Watch Season 4 Episode 23 Outside the U.S.

If you want to watch the new episode, “Sunset,” outside of the United States, then you’ll need to go to a different link. The details below are courtesy of the TV subreddit’s guide, and although aren’t guaranteed, are a good jumping off point for helping. The episode may be available at a different time than it is in the U.S.

  • Wakanim: France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, Suisse, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Quebec, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia.
  • Wakanim: Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Iceland (English subtitles) (French subtitles)
  • Animelab: Australia and New Zealand
  • Aniplus Asia: Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines
  • Netflix: The Philippines, Thailand (typically several days after initial release.)
  • VVVVID: Italian Sub/Dub in Italy, Malta
  • mtmad (Spanish subtitles)
  • Amazon Prime Video: Italian Sub/Dub in Italy, Malta
  • SelectaVision: European Spanish Sub in Spain
  • iQiyi: Multi-language Subs in China
  • DANET: VietSubs in Vietnam
  • Muse Asia: Cantonese Subs in Hong Kong
  • Funimation: Also available in Canada, UK, Ireland, Brazil and Mexico
  • Crunchyroll: Also available in Canada, U.K., Ireland, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, LATAM, Middle East, and Russia

Season 4 Episode 22 Refresher

Read our full review of last week’s episode here. Below is a quick recap.

Last week’s episode, “Thaw,” ended with Annie finally thawing from her shell after all this time — an unexpected side effect of Eren taking down the walls.

Prior to that, the show took us on a roller coaster of emotions. Eren left the Pure Titans to endanger the lives of his friends — perhaps so they wouldn’t interfere with his plans — as he led the Rumbling to the rest of the world. The Survey Corps (now with Hange or Levi) dispensed of all the Titans in an amazingly professional and impressive fashion. The most heartbreaking scene, though, was when Pyxis appeared in Titan form and Armin had to kill him. 🙁

Connie took off with a passed out Falco, ready to feed him to his mom. Gabi, meanwhile, saved Kaya’s life from a Nile-turned-Titan, and she and Kaya now have an uneasy but heartfelt truce. Even Niccolo came to Gabi’s defense after she rescued Kaya and put her own life on the line. Gabi’s had a true change of heart in the last few episodes. Hearing her beg Armin for Falco’s life, when there was nothing Armin could do, was heartbreaking.

Shaddis was one of the most uplifting parts of the episode, riding in as the unexpected hero.

It’s been a roller coaster season so far, between last week’s episode, the episode where we learned about the Founder Ymir’s origin, and learning about the Attack Titan’s secret powers.

We’re left with a lot of questions as we wait for the new episode. Where is Zeke? Will anyone be able to stop Eren? What will happen now that Annie is awake? Is Levi still alive at all? Is everyone going to die?

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    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at

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