Anime, Chainsaw Man, News, TV Shows

Chainsaw Man Episode 8: Live Countdown to Premiere Time

Chainsaw Man Episode 8 time (MAPPA)

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Chainsaw Man Episode 8 drops on Tuesday, November 29, 2022. Last week’s episode had quite a bit of character development, along with some moments that were distinctly uncomfortable. When is Chainsaw Man Episode 8 (the English sub) premiering? In the story below, we’re embedding a live countdown so you can know exactly when the episode drops in the U.S. 

Check out this live countdown to when #ChainsawMan Episode 8 premieres. Share on X

Chainsaw Man Live Countdown Timer for Episode 8

Chainsaw Man Episode 8 (the English subtitled version) premieres in the U.S. at 9 a.m. Pacific on Tuesday, November 29, on both Crunchyroll and Hulu. In other time zones, this translates to 10 a.m. Mountain, 11 a.m. Central, and 12 p.m. Eastern. 

We’re providing a countdown timer below that we created from TickCounter. It should be fully responsive to the device you’re using.

Go ahead and leave this page up live on your monitor or device, so you can know exactly when the episode is dropping! (But note that if the servers on either platform get overloaded, the episode might be delayed by just a few minutes temporarily. This has happened before.) 

The episode drops about two hours after it airs in Japan, so steer clear of YouTube or other locations to avoid spoilers. 

Backup Live Timer for Episode 8

Chainsaw Man
Chainsaw Man (MAPPA)

We’re providing a backup timer below just in case the first one doesn’t work. This one may not be responsive to your device, so you may need to change how you’re holding your device in order for it to display properly. 

The timer above is from

Chainsaw Man News

We often like to end these countdowns with the latest Chainsaw Man news. This week, there’s not a lot to share, but here’s what we’ve got. 

According to the official website, Chainsaw Man is launching a collaborative collection with Ground Y, a fashion brand. Some of the products will be on sale for a limited time from December 16-25. There’s also going to be a pop-up store from November 30-December 6 for pre-sale opportunities. The pop-up store is going to be located (per the Google English translated page) at “Isetan Shinjuku Main Building 1F Promotion.” 

A webpage devoted to the pop-up store is here. It explains that on November 30, each person can get “up to five items of each color and size.” However, new purchasing restrictions may be added. A lottery will be held to see who can attend the pop-up store on the first day, but applications for the lottery have already closed. 

A translated explanation of the collaboration reads: “A collection that expresses the world view of the anime Chainsaw Man by Ground Y’s creation was born from mutual respect. The elements of scenes that appear in the work and the motifs that are the key to the story are incorporated into the details, and we will develop a wide variety of items that are completed with carefully selected materials and sewing, just like the quality of the anime work. Also, please pay attention to the special logo specially created for this collaboration.” 

You can see photos of some of the items being sold for the collaboration here.

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    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at

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