Attack on Titan, News, TV Shows

How to Buy Attack on Titan’s Season 4 Blu-Ray (Volumes 1 & 2)

Buy Attack on Titan Season 4 Blu-Ray

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If you’re in the United States, then you might be having some trouble tracking down Attack on Titan‘s Season 4 Blu-Ray edition. There were quite a few animation upgrades made to Volume 1 (Episodes 1-8) that you’ll definitely want to see. So where can you go to buy Volume 1 or even put in a pre-order for Volume 2 (Episodes 9-16)? Here are the details.

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You’ll Need to Order Through Amazon Japan If You Want the Blu-Ray Now

First, we must be perfectly clear. The only Blu-Ray version currently available for Attack on Titan is the Japanese version. A version with English subtitles or even an English dub version isn’t yet out. Those are typically released later, after the Japanese version. But if you don’t want to wait and don’t mind a version wholly in Japanese, then read on.

At the time of publication, it seems like the best way to order the Blu-Ray is through Amazon Japan. The products aren’t appearing on the U.S. Amazon site, unfortunately. You’ll have to go straight to Your U.S. Amazon account also won’t work here. You’ll need to create a new Amazon account and navigate through the Japanese language and pricing. As Forward2Me explains: “You can’t use your American, British or home country Amazon account on Amazon Japan to order from that region. You will need to set up a new account directly with Amazon Japan to be able to order products from there.”

So navigate over to and sign up for an account like you normally would. There are currently two Amazon sellers offering Volume 1 of the Season 4 Blu-Ray and the links are here and here. (One costs about twice as much as the other, so be sure and double check prices and shipping before buying.)

At any time, shipping options may change. But you’ll want to check if they are offering shipping to the U.S. If they are, then you’ll just need to be prepared to pay whatever the international shipping cost might be and you’re set.

If they aren’t offering shipping to the U.S., you might even get a notification from Amazon pointing out that these products aren’t offered for your shipping address. If that’s the case, you’ll need to use a proxy shipping service to get the product to the U.S. Three examples of proxy shipping services are White Rabbit Express, Forward2Me, and Remambo. I’ve included a link to each page’s instructions on how to order from Amazon Japan using their service. Some proxy services have you provide them with the link and you pay the service for the entire cost of the product and shipping. Other sites (like Forward2Me) have you put in a free forwarding address to their warehouse, order the item through Amazon, and then pay them for shipping.

Please note that Post Apocalyptic Media CANNOT VOUCH for any of these proxy shipping services. You’ll need to research reviews on them yourself to determine what service you’re most comfortable with and which one you feel is worth the risk. These are simply options that other people have used when Amazon Japan did not provide shipping to the U.S. (I’ve never personally used any of them.)

If Amazon Japan itself is shipping to the U.S., then you can even pre-order Volume 2 of the Season 4 Blu-Ray, which will feature Episodes 9-16. Those seller’s links are here and here.  (Volume 1 features Reiner on the cover and Volume 2 (episodes 9-16) features Eren on the cover, in case you need help differentiating them. Volume 2 is only available for pre-order.)

Wait for the English Versions or Just Watch the TV Versions Now

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You can also simply wait for the English version of the Blu-Ray to be released. Once available, the Funimation Store on Amazon here will have the English language Blu-Rays, just like it has the Blu-ray compilations for previous seasons.

Or you can go to Funimation’s website right here and watch Attack on Titan now in either dub or English subtitled versions. The Season 4 Blu-Ray will eventually be sold on this site too.

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    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at

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