The Society is about to premiere on Netflix and it’s already stirring up a lot of memories of Netflix’s VERY similar series that was seemingly abandoned: Between. Is Between every coming back for Season 3? Sadly, all signs seem to point to no.
The Society is about a group of teens who are trapped in a town where all the adults mysteriously disappeared, and they’re forced to create their own society and survive on their own. Between was about a group of teens who were trapped in a town where everyone over 21 mysteriously died, and they’re forced to create their own society and survive on their own. Yep, no similarities there AT ALL.
The biggest difference between the two shows is that The Society is a Netflix original. And while Between was also advertised that way, it was really a show co-produced by City TV in Canada and Netflix. So it’s possible Netflix was more interested in doing their own highly similar show, but for a series they owned completely. (Read more about the similarities in our story here.)
Dear #Netflix, please bring back #Between for Season 3! Share on XBut all this just brings back memories of a show that many really miss. Sadly, although an official cancelation was never announced, I don’t think the show is ever coming back.
The official Facebook page for Between hasn’t made an update since February 2017. Lots of people left comments asking about Season 3, but the Facebook page didn’t answer. The webisodes that were on are gone. In fact, this official website for the show is entirely gone.
The website being taken down is a BAD sign. That’s pretty much all the proof you need that the show is abandoned, even if you can still watch the first two seasons on Netflix. And the co-producer, City TV, seems to just be syndicating US content now rather than creating original content, What’s on Netflix noted. You can’t even find the show on City TV’s website anymore.
All the actors involved who used to post on Instagram about the show are involved in other projects now too and haven’t talked about Between in ages.
Also, Between’s official Instagram Page hasn’t posted since this post made 113 weeks ago. Their bio includes #PrayForSeason3.
Their Tumbler page is still around, but hasn’t done anything since 2016. And their official Twitter page hasn’t posted a thing since March 2017.
— Between Canada (@betweenseries) March 15, 2017
It’s safe to say that Between is gone.
I’m not sure why no one would announce officially that Between wasn’t picked up again for a third season. It seems like a sad thing to do to all the devoted fans. But if you’re really itching for Between, I’d suggest checking out The Society. It’s essentially a VERY similar plot (although with less grit and apocalyptic goodness) and it might scratch that itch that Between left.
If you want to see the shows that did The Society’s plot first, you can check out Jeremiah on Amazon here or Between on Netflix here.
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