Today I’m going to share how you can make The Most Bad-Ass Zombie Gift Basket for any zombie fan, whether you’re a fan of The Walking Dead, Z Nation, or another zombie franchise. Here’s a few pictures of The Walking Dead gift basket, featured on Reddit a few years ago, to give you an idea of the epic-ness of this project. Perfect Christmas gift much? The photos below are credited to u/sportsfan101990, who created the basket and shared it on Reddit. If you prefer Walking Dead-specific instructions, then check out our story here.
Christmas gift idea: A bad-ass zombie gift basket! #ZombiesForChristmas Share on XHere are the items you’ll need for The Most Bad-Ass Zombie Gift Basket:
1 Wooden Crate decorated with stencils and paint. YES they really do sell them on Amazon. They sell everything on Amazon
1 Set of Stencils + paint brush
Hay to separate each layer (you can probably find cheaper hay than from that link!)
Red Paint and Black Paint
Seasons of your favorite zombie TV show
Zombie t-shirt (“If zombies chase us I’m tripping you”)
Anyone wanna buy me this zombie shirt or Zombieopoly? #ZombiesForChristmas Share on XAMAZING Zombie Apocalypse Survival Kit featuring REAL knives, a high-performance axe and two machetes.
So what do you think? Did I leave out anything that you’d like to see in a zombie gift basket? If so, leave your comment below and I might add it to this post!
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