Guides, Other

The Most Bad-Ass Zombie Gift Basket: Just in time for Christmas!

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Today I’m going to share how you can make The Most Bad-Ass Zombie Gift Basket for any zombie fan, whether you’re a fan of The Walking Dead, Z Nation, or another zombie franchise. Here’s a few pictures of The Walking Dead gift basket, featured on Reddit a few years ago, to give you an idea of the epic-ness of this project. Perfect Christmas gift much? The photos below are credited to u/sportsfan101990, who created the basket and shared it on Reddit. If you prefer Walking Dead-specific instructions, then check out our story here.

Christmas gift idea: A bad-ass zombie gift basket! #ZombiesForChristmas Share on X

Walking Dead Crate

Here are the items you’ll need for The Most Bad-Ass Zombie Gift Basket: 

1 Wooden Crate decorated with stencils and paint. YES they really do sell them on Amazon. They sell everything on Amazon 😀

1 Set of Stencils + paint brush

Hay to separate each layer (you can probably find cheaper hay than from that link!)

Red Paint and Black Paint

Seasons of your favorite zombie TV show


Zombie Slippers

Zombie t-shirt (“If zombies chase us I’m tripping you”)

Anyone wanna buy me this zombie shirt or Zombieopoly? #ZombiesForChristmas Share on X

AMAZING Zombie Apocalypse Survival Kit featuring REAL knives, a high-performance axe and two machetes.

Gerber 30 000601 Zombie Apocalypse Survival Kit Tool Knife Sets

So what do you think? Did I leave out anything that you’d like to see in a zombie gift basket? If so, leave your comment below and I might add it to this post!

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    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at

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