Attack on Titan, News, TV Shows

What Time Does Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 9’s English Dub Air?

Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 9 dub

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If you’re watching Attack on Titan Season 4’s English dubs rather than the subs, then you’re likely wondering exactly when you Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 9’s dub, Brave Volunteers, will air. It was delayed a week because of the ice storms in Texas, so that threw the schedule off a bit. Here are all the details.

Here's when #AttackonTitan's Season 4 Episode 9 English Dub is airing. Share on X
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The Dub Releases First on TV on Toonami Late on the Night of March 13

Toonami has an arrangement with Funimation where they get to broadcast the English dubs a day before Funimation posts them online.

According to TV Guide’s listing, the dub of Season 4 Episode 9 will premiere at 12:30 a.m. Eastern/Pacific on March 14 (11:30 p.m. Central on March 13/1:30 a.m. Mountain on March 13.) Of course, this time could vary a bit based on your cable provider, so be sure and check the Cartoon Network/Adult Swim listing in your region.

On TV, it releases on Toonami (aka the Adult Swim/Cartoon Network channel.) If you’re wanting to stream Toonami without a cable subscription, it should also be available on Hulu Live TV, Sling TV, AT&T Now, and YouTube TV. (Note that this is Hulu with Live TV only. The dubs aren’t releasing on regular Hulu subscriptions yet.)

You can see Toonami’s schedule here. If you have a cable login, then you can also watch the episodes on Adult Swim’s website here. But you can only access them if your satellite or cable provider has The Cartoon Network.

The Season 4 Episode 9 Dub Releases on March 14 on Funimation Online

Many people prefer watching online over TV these days, and in this case that means Funimation is your choice. Funimation is the only source for watching the English dubs legally at this time. (And we at Post Apocalyptic Media encourage legal viewing. We’re still not sure yet about the fate of the rest of the season, so the more legitimate views the episodes get, the better!)

 Watch Season 4 Episode 9’s English dub on Funimation via this link. (Available in U.S., Canada, UK, Ireland, Brazil, Mexico). 

Although the subs release on Funimation every Sunday at 3:45 p.m. Eastern, fans have told us that the dubs tend to release later, which would be around 10 p.m. Eastern on March 14/9 p.m. Central on March 14. (Of course, if you want to check earlier just to be sure, you can!)

The new dubbed episode will appear on this link once it’s up. Make sure you change the dropdown menu to Season 4. The episode will have “English/Japanese” beneath the episode title (and sometimes also Portuguese/Spanish), so you can easily choose if you want the sub or the dub version. Please note that in order to watch any episode, you’ll need an account. You can watch with a free account, but you’ll typically need to wait about a week after a new episode drops. The paid accounts start at about just $7.99/month, so definitely worth it. If you don’t want to pay for a plan, scroll to the bottom of the “sign up for an account” page until you see where it says “Not ready to commit.” Then click on the option to create a free account.

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    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at

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