Attack on Titan, News, TV Shows

Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 28: Live Countdown to Premiere

Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 28 (aka Episode 87)

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The finale of Attack on Titan Season 4 Part 2 is almost here. The English sub for Episode 87, also known as Season 4 Episode 28, is premieres this Sunday afternoon, April 3, 2022. Called “Dawn of Humanity,” this episode is going to close out the second part of Season 4, and will likely have some astounding revelations before a long hiatus. To help you get ready for the new episode, we’re providing a countdown in the story below.

Check out this live countdown to when #AttackonTitan Season 4 Episode 28 (aka the Season 4 Part 2 finale) premieres. Share on X
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Countdown Timer for Attack on Titan’s Season 4 Part 2 Finale

The English sub of Season 4 Episode 28  will be dropping at 1:45 p.m. Pacific on Sunday, March 20 (3:45 p.m. Central/4:45 p.m. Eastern/9:45 p.m. UTC) in the United States, according to an official note that Crunchyroll shared with Post Apocalyptic Media. This time applies to all the U.S. streaming platforms, including Funimation and Hulu.

We’ve provided a timer from TickCounter below, which is counting down to the expected release to help you out.

In Japan, NHK airs a non-subbed version on TV on NHK a few hours before it’s available in the U.S. This is why you might see some unofficial “fan version” subs released earlier. It’s best to wait for the official release, however. 

If the above timer doesn’t work, we have another that you can use in the next section below.

Follow our Attack on Titan Facebook page for more stories, and check out SiM’s riveting new Rumbling music video here.

A Backup Countdown Timer Is Below

If the timer above doesn’t work in your browser, we’re including a backup from below. This second countdown timer may not be responsive to different devices, so if it doesn’t show up as well on your screen, try holding your device horizontally instead of vertically.

Attack on Titan’s subs air in the U.S. on Funimation, Crunchyroll, and Hulu. If you’re not a Funimation subscriber, you can sign up here.

Read our review of the most recent episode here.

A brief synopsis of last week with spoilers is below.

The most recent episode, “Retrospective,” which aired two weeks ago, didn’t dig deep into the lore of the Titans, but it did provide some of the most beautiful (and haunting) animation sequences of the series so far.  The fight lasts for the majority of the episode, and it’s a chilling reminder of how haunting and horrific war can be. 

The Jaegerists are able to hold their own better, after years fighting right alongside Mikasa, Armin, Erwin, Levi, and others. But in the end, they’re no match for Pieck, Annie, Reiner, and the other Titans. It’s really sad to see what Paradis has come to, and to see former friends now at odds, fighting to the death. 

The Rumbling, meanwhile, is moving fast. By the time they’re able to take off with the Hizuru boat, Liberio will already be destroyed. To save some time, they plan to drag the boat to the mainland and fix it there, because they can only hold out against the Jaegerists for so long. 

One of the people who died in this episode was Floch, another victim to Gabi’s amazing sharpshooter skills. He thought he was sacrificing himself to save Paradis, but it was not meant to be. 

One of the more compelling (and intriguing) parts of the episode was Falco’s transformation. Against Pieck’s better judgment (first transformations can be difficult), he wanted to save his comrades and get right in the fight. He was powerful in his Jaw Titan form, which closely resembled a bird, interestingly enough. But he ended up attacking Pieck in a frenzy, reminiscent of some of the frenzies that Eren found himself caught up in early on in his transformation. It was Magath who had to cut him out and save him. 

In the end, it was Magath and Shadis who saved the group. The crew took off and Magath stayed behind, ready to blow up the only boat that could catch up to them. Shadis, who had already blown up the train tracks, helped him. He is an unsung hero, for no one will know what he did in the very end. 

As the episode concludes, Annie confronts Mikasa again about whether or not she will be able to kill Eren  — or if she’ll at least be able to stop herself from stopping Annie from doing the same. It’s really not clear where Mikasa is going to land when (or if) that time comes. Annie is tired of killing people, including Eren, and just wants the battles to be over. 

It was a hauntingly beautiful episode, the perfect segue to the Season 4 Part 2 finale. 

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    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at

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