Attack on Titan, News, TV Shows

Here’s When Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 27 Drops

Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 27 time

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Last week’s Attack on Titan episode was gut-wrenching, so you’ll no doubt want to watch the new episode right away as soon as it’s available. What time is Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 27 (aka Episode 86) available in the U.S.? Here are all the details about the English sub of “Restrosopective” (also called “Nostalgia” in some translations.)

The new #AttackonTitan episode airs at a new time. See the details here. Share on X
Post Apocalyptic Media may earn an affiliate commission if you sign up for Funimation on this page. This is an anime-only focused article with no manga spoilers.

Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 27 Is Available Sunday Afternoon

The English sub for Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 27 (also known as Episode 86 aka “Retrospective”) drops in the U.S. on Sunday, March 20 at 4:45 p.m. Eastern (3:45 p.m. Central/1:45 p.m. Pacific/2:45 p.m. Mountain.) In Honolulu, Hawaii, that’s Sunday at 10:45 a.m. In Anchorage, Alaska, that’s Sunday at 12:45 p.m. This is the same time as last week, but an hour later than previous weeks due to Daylight Savings.

Representatives of Funimation and Crunchyroll confirmed the time with Post Apocalyptic Media. (Hulu will release the episode at the same time as the other two streaming services.)

Here’s a countdown to when the episode is officially expected to drop in the U.S.

If one platform is missing the episode and the others have it, then that platform is likely having server issues. If this happens, try one of the other streaming services’ free trials, unless you’re OK with waiting for a bit. For example, Funimation has free trials and you can sign up here.

Follow our Attack on Titan Facebook page for more stories, and check out our story about SiM’s brand new Rumbling music video that was just released.

How to Watch Season 4 Episode 27 Online

Here are the links where you can watch the Episode 86 sub in the U.S.

Funimation: Watch via this link. (U.S., Canada, UK, Ireland, Brazil, Mexico) for Season 4 Episode 27. Free trials are also available at this link.

Crunchyroll: Watch here for Season 4 Episode 27 (aka Episode 86.)

Hulu: Hulu has Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 27 at this link. This is a paid streaming service. If Hulu gives you trouble, check out our article here for a workaround that sometimes helps you find the missing episode.

The synopsis for the episode reads: “If you hesitate, you will die. Point the muzzle and pull the trigger. Believe that there is a way to save the world beyond this betrayal.” (This is the Google translation from the official website.)

Here’s a refresher from last week.

See our full review of last week’s episode here. Below is a short synopsis.

Things took a downward turn fast last week, leaving fans and characters in emotional turmoil as the ending credits song kicked in.

Conny had to kill Daz and Samuel in order to save Armin and their entire plan to stop the Jaegerists. He and Armin had tried to stop this from happening. But Floch saw through their scheme pretty quickly, and everything fell apart. In the end, they were left with no choice but to kill the very friends they had served with since season 1.

And Daz and Samuel had a rich history on the show. Historia saved one and Sasha saved the other, which is likely part of the reason Conny’s action hit him especially deep. See our story here to learn more about the history of Daz and Samuel.

Providing cover for Reiner and Annie to sneak in, turn into Titans, and kill other Jaegerists must have been chilling for the team. Conny even flashed back to something Bertholdt had once told him, and could see himself in Bertholdt’s shoes now.

War is terrible.

Meanwhile, Gabi, Falco, Yelena, Onyankopon, and Levi had to watch from far away at a safe distance. It was no doubt hard for Levi to watch this all happen, hard to watch them teaming up with Reiner and Annie again.

The episode was gut-wrenching in so many ways, and it ended with Conny in absolute despair. What could this week hold?

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    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at

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