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Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 23: Live Countdown to Premiere

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Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 23 is premiering this Sunday, February 20, 2022. It’s also known as Episode #82 or “Sunset.” Considering how action-packed things have been lately, you’ll likely be wanting to watch right away so you’re not spoiled. To help you plan, we’re providing a countdown.

Check out this live countdown to when #AttackonTitan Season 4 Episode 23 (aka Episode 82) premieres. Share on X
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Attack on Titan Countdown Timer for S4E23

Season 4 Episode 23 (English sub) drops at 12:45 p.m. Pacific on Sunday, February 20 (2:45 p.m. Central/3:45 p.m. Eastern) in the United States.

We’ve provided a timer from from TickCounter embedded below.

The timer is counting down to when the sub drops on Hulu, Crunchyroll, and Funimation. Sometimes, one of the streaming platforms might delay the episode’s premiere because of overloaded servers. But if everything works correctly, then the time above is when it should be available for you to watch.

A version without subtitles will drop a few hours earlier on NHK in Japan, and that’s when spoilers will start to be everywhere. It’s best to wait for the official subtitled episode to drop on Funimation, Hulu, or Crunchyroll.

If the above timer doesn’t work, we have another that you can use in the next section below.

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Here’s a Backup Countdown Timer

If for any reason the above countdown timer doesn’t work for you, then this next live countdown below is a good one to try. This one is from This one may not always be responsive to different devices, so if it doesn’t show up as well on your screen, try holding your device horizontally instead of vertically.

When Attack on Titan airs, you can watch it on Funimation, Crunchyroll, and Hulu in the United States. If you’re not a Funimation subscriber, you can sign up here.

Read our review of last week’s here.

A brief synopsis of last week with spoilers is below.

Last week’s episode, “Thaw,” ended with Annie finally thawing from her shell after all this time — an unexpected side effect of Eren taking down the walls.

Prior to that, the show took us on a roller coaster of emotions. Eren left the Pure Titans to endanger the lives of his friends — perhaps so they wouldn’t interfere with his plans — as he led the Rumbling to the rest of the world. The Survey Corps (now with Hange or Levi) dispensed of all the Titans in an amazingly professional and impressive fashion. The most heartbreaking scene, though, was when Pyxis appeared in Titan form and Armin had to kill him. 🙁

Connie took off with a passed out Falco, ready to feed him to his mom. Gabi, meanwhile, saved Kaya’s life from a Nile-turned-Titan, and she and Kaya now have an uneasy but heartfelt truce. Even Niccolo came to Gabi’s defense after she rescued Kaya and put her own life on the line. Gabi’s had a true change of heart in the last few episodes. Hearing her beg Armin for Falco’s life, when there was nothing Armin could do, was heartbreaking.

Shaddis was one of the most uplifting parts of the episode, riding in as the unexpected hero.

We’re left with a lot of questions as we wait for the new episode. Where is Zeke? Will anyone be able to stop Eren? What will happen now that Annie is awake? Is Levi still alive at all? Is everyone going to die?

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    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at

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