Attack on Titan, News, TV Shows

What Time & Date Does Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 22’s English Dub Air?

Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 22 dub

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It’s almost time to watch the English dub of Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 22! If you don’t want to wait a second longer than you have too, then here’s a look at when the Episode 81 dub is airing. We’re all anxiously waiting to find out what Eren is going to do next.

Here's when #AttackonTitan Season 4 Episode 22's English dub premieres. Share on X
Post Apocalyptic Media may earn an affiliate commission if you sign up for Funimation on this page. This is an anime-only focused article with no manga spoilers.

Season 4 Episode 22’s Dub Drops on Funimation on Sunday Night, March 20

Funimation is the only legal way to stream the new Attack on Titan English dubs legally, unless you have a cable or satellite subscription, which we’ll explain in the section below. The episode drops on Funimation on Sunday night, March 20. Streaming links are below.

Watch Season 4 Episode 22’s English dub (Episode 81) on Funimation via this link. (Available in U.S., Canada, UK, Ireland, Brazil, Mexico).

Post Apocalyptic Media reached out to a representative from Funimation, who confirmed that the dub will drop at this time:

  • March 20 at 9:30 p.m. Central/10:30 p.m. Eastern/7:30 p.m. Pacific/3:30 a.m. UTC

The new dubbed episode will appear on this link once it’s up. Change the dropdown menu to Season 4. It will be listed as Episode 81.

You’ll need a paid account if you want to watch the episode on Funimation. The paid accounts start at just $7.99/month, so it’s definitely worth the price. Plus, you can watch all the previous seasons on there too. You can also sign up for a trial if you want to test the platform first.

If You Have Cable, You Can Watch the Episode 81 Dub Late Saturday Night/Early Sunday Morning

If you have cable, then you’ll likely have access to the dub a little bit earlier than cord-cutters do. Toonami gets the Attack on Titan English dub first (but only if your cable package includes Cartoon Network.) So if that doesn’t describe you, then Funimation is your best choice.

Season 4 Episode 22’s dub (Episode 81) airs on TV at 12:30 a.m. Eastern on Sunday, March 20, according to Toonami’s official schedule.

In the Central time zone, you can tune in on TV at 11:30 p.m. Central on Saturday, March 19. In other time zones, it will likely be available 9:30 p.m. Pacific and 10:30 p.m. Mountain on Saturday night. It will be on Toonami/Adult Swim/Cartoon Network, depending on how your cable provider lists the channel. So check your local listings to make sure the time is the same for you in your region.

If you don’t have a cable subscription, you can stream the Toonami broadcast on Hulu Live TV (not Hulu’s regular subscription), Sling TV, AT&T Now, or YouTube TV. If you’re wanting to stream and don’t have a cable login or a subscription to one of these other services, then Funimation’s option will be your cheapest, legal choice – as explained in the section below.

Here’s a recap on where we left off last week. (Spoilers below.) 

Our full review of last week’s episode is here.

Last week, we learned the Founder Ymir’s history and how the Titans began. It turned a lot of assumptions upside down and left others quite confused.

When Ymir was a child, the horrific Eldian tribe destroyed her village and took everyone — including Ymir — as slaves. They forced everyone into subjugation, led by Fritz (who would later crown himself king.) When Ymir was wrongfully blamed for a pig getting loose, the Eldians tried to by hunt her like an animal and kill her. She fled into a tree, falling down the roots into water below. While she was almost drowning, a glowing, parasitic spine latched onto her and turned her into the Founder Titan.

But even as a powerful Titan, Ymir continued serving as a slave to Fritz. She even continued this slavery once she died and went into the afterlife of the Paths, continuing to do the royal bloodline’s bidding. But before she died, she bore Fritz three children, whom the three walls were later named after.

Sadly, Fritz used her power to subjugate more people, including waging a war on the neighboring Marleyan nation and seeking to annihilate them.

Ymir died saving King Fritz’s life. He fed her body to her three children in order to pass along her power. We were left to assume that their descendants also ate them, and that’s how we ended up with the nine “warrior” Titans.

In the present-day paths, Zeke commanded Ymir to take away the Eldians’ ability to reproduce. But Eren told her that she didn’t have to listen to anyone but herself, and that he had gotten the message she had sent him from 2,000 years earlier. She chose to give him the power of the Founder, and Eren emerged in a new, terrifying form in the “real world.” He began the Rumbling and called all Eldians into the Path with him to hear his message. He informed them that he planned to kill and destroy everyone outside of the shores of Paradis, because only then would they be safe.

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    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at

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