After watching the preview for Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 14 about a million times, I noticed a secret clue in the trailer that might point to something that could happen with Zeke this week. What do you think?
This article will have spoilers through Season 4 Episode 13 and the Episode 14 preview, but the article itself is manga-spoiler-free. Please don’t add spoilers from the manga in the comments. Thanks.
The Trailer May Hide a Big Hint
Here’s the trailer with English subtitles for the March 14 episode titled “Savagery.”
Of course, it didn’t reveal much — as the trailers rarely do. In fact, the first time I watched this preview, I laughed. It was pretty much just all about how Eren wanted to have a serious conversation with Mikasa and Armin, which we already knew from the way Episode 13 ended.
But there was one part that caught my eye after watching it for the millionth time.
Check out Levi from the trailer:

This really looks like he is looking up at something very, very tall and is surprised by what is happening.
Personally, I think this is a very subtle hint that Zeke is going to transform into Beast Titan in Episode 14 right in front of Levi, and this screenshot is from Levi looking up at Beast Titan as he’s transforming. Shortly after this, I imagine Levi’s expression will change to fierce determination and anger as he readies himself to take out Zeke.
Of course, I could be wrong. Quite a few of my predictions are wrong for this show. (Which I love, to be honest. It’s rare that I can’t predict a show with much accuracy!) But what if I’m right?
The scene also shows the wind blowing Levi’s hair as he gazes up, possibly from the wind created as a Titan transforms right above him, right?
The only other things we see from the trailer are Mikasa and Armin looking shocked as Eren sits down with them. (Read my theory about who planted the bomb here.)
And of course, this other big clue about who might be working with the Jaegerists:

Is that the Commandant with Floch? I just watched his episode again from Season 3, and I’m thinking so. Might not be a huge surprise, since he was so close to Grisha and Eren’s mother. Still, it’s an interesting twist. Maybe the Commandant is more “special” than he gave himself credit for. (I’m assuming he’s with Floch in this photo, and the gun behind him is being pointed out Hange and not at him.)
The next episode premieres Sunday at 2:45 p.m. Eastern. So I’m making all these discoveries less than 24 hours before I can see the episode. Still, I couldn’t help but write all this out. Hope you enjoy it!
Season 4 Episode 14 (the English sub) will drop at this link once it’s available. (Note: we may earn a small affiliate commission from that link.)
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