Attack on Titan, News, TV Shows

Here’s When the New Back-to-Back Attack on Titan Episodes Drop

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We’re about to have a colossal-sized Attack on Titan event, as Season 4 Episodes 14 and 15 release on the same day. I’ve seen part of what happens in Episode 14 and I won’t drop any spoilers here, but let’s just say that it is going to be intense. You don’t want to be a second late watching these. Here are all the details on when Season 4 Episode 14 and 15 will drop in the U.S. (the subtitled version). They’re also referred to as Episodes 73 & 74.

#AttackonTitan Season 4 Episode 14 and 15's colossal-sized event is starting an hour later than normal. Share on X

This article has spoilers for last week’s episode, Season 4 Episode 13. If you want to join a discussion, stop by our Discord server here. While you’re waiting for the new episode, check out our review of Episode 13 here.

UPDATE: They Both Premiere on Sunday, March 21, But an Hour Later Than Normal

AoT Season 4 Episode 14 and 15 are both airing their subtitled episodes on Sunday, March 21, but they’re airing an hour later than previous weeks because of the Daylight Savings Time change in the U.S.

The episodes are dropping at 3:45 p.m. Central (4:45 p.m. Eastern/1:45 p.m. Pacific/2:45 p.m. Mountain.) In Honolulu, Hawaii, that’s Sunday at 11:45 a.m. In Anchorage, Alaska, that’s Sunday at 12:45 p.m. Both episodes will drop at the same time.

The only places you can watch are Funimation, Crunchyroll, and Hulu. We’ll have details on links to where you can go to watch the episode in the last section of this story.

We’re having back-to-back subtitled episodes this week because Episode 14 was delayed due to an earthquake in the Wakayama prefecture Japan on March 14.

Volcano Discovery reported that the earthquake which delayed Attack on Titan is a magnitude 4.7 that struck near Wakayama. The earthquake was reported on an emergency news bulletin before the episode finished airing in Japan, thus prompting the worldwide delay until everyone could watch it together.

The original version in Japan drops hours before the subtitled version drops in the U.S. That’s why you might sometimes see leaks early. In addition, part of Episode 14 (the part that aired on TV) was also posted on YouTube. In Japan, Episode 14 (aka Episode 73) will air on TV at 12:10 a.m. JST and then Episode 74 will air at 12:34 a.m. JST right afterward. This prompted the streaming services in the U.S. to also drop back-to-back subtitled episodes on March 21 too.

How to Watch Season 4 Episode 14 & 15 Online


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Once the new episodes are available, you’ll be able to watch it at the following links below.

Funimation: Watch via this link. (U.S., Canada, UK, Ireland, Brazil, Mexico) for Season 4 Episode 14 and 15. Funimation is also where you can watch the dub versions about a month later.

Hulu: Hulu has Attack on Titan Season 4 at this link. This is a paid streaming service, but two-week free trials are available to test it out.

Crunchyroll: Watch here for Season 4 episodes, including Episode 14 and 15 (aka Episode 73 and 74.)

Episode 13 Refresher

Last week left us with a crazy cliffhanger. Eren showed up at Nicolo’s restaurant after the Jaegerists took Hange and the rest of her crew captive. Armin had just told Gabi that Marley is all about killing one person or another, just like someone else he knows (referring to Eren.) And at that moment, Eren casually strolled in, overhearing what Armin said, and mentioned that he wanted to talk. He showed Armin and Mikasa that his hand was cut (which might have been foreshadowed in the Season 3 opening.)

Before this, we learned that Nicolo believed the wine served to the high-ranking military officials might have been spiked to turn people into Titans when Zeke yells out to them. This also cast doubt on the story Zeke told Levi and others about how he overtook Connie’s village.

We also saw Sasha’s father extend unprecedented forgiveness to Gabi, breaking a cycle of destruction and hate and hopefully influencing Gabi’s heart. Mikasa also stepped in to save Gabi’s life, despite Gabi killing her close friend. All of this might influence Gabi (hopefully faster than their friendship influenced Reiner, who is still pushing for  Marley to attack Paradis immediately.)

We also saw that Pieck is already embedded in Paradis, and that is a BAD sign.

So with the crazy Eren cliffhanger, I can’t wait to see what’s next.

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    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at

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