Attack on Titan, News, TV Shows

Release Date for Attack on Titan S4 Episodes 14 & 15 Announced

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After the earthquake delay, we finally know exactly when Attack on Titan Season 4 Episodes 14 & 15 are going to release. Funimation made the announcement on Monday morning, March 15. These are also listed as Episodes 73 & 74 on Funimation’s website. The good news is that Episode 74 is premiering sooner than you might think!

#AttackonTitan is going to have back-to-back episodes on the same day after the earthquake delay. Share on X

Release Dates for Episodes 14 & 15 (aka 73 & 74)

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Season 4 Episodes 14 & 15 are BOTH airing next Sunday, March 21. This means the first episode will be posted to Funimation’s website at 3:45 p.m. Eastern on March 21. Episode 15 will then either be posted to Funimation’s website at the same time or shortly thereafter.


Funimation wrote: “Attack on Titan Final Season update! Episode 73 will now launch at the usual time on Sunday, March 21. Episode 74 will be released right after.”

This means that in Japan, they’ll air Episode 73 first on NHK, followed immediately by Episode 74. It’s unclear if this will affect how quickly the dubs are released for these episodes, which would normally be in about a month.

March 21 is going to be an exciting day with back-to-back episodes to enjoy.

Episode 73 Was Delayed for an Earthquake

Episode 73 was delayed due to an earthquake in Japan that interrupted the broadcast of the new episode before it ended. So there’s a partial episode floating around the Internet. This is the second time that a natural disaster has delayed a Season 4 episode. Last week, the Episode 68 dub was delayed because of the ice storm in Texas that knocked out power for millions. More than 40 people died in Texas.

Crunchryoll wrote about the delay: “Attack on Titan Final Season episode 73 will be postponed, due to a earthquake that occurred in Wakayama prefecture in Japan. We are sending our love to the residents there.”

According to Volcano Discovery, the earthquake is a magnitude 4.7 that struck near Wakayama. This site is noting that the quake shouldn’t cause significant damage, thankfully.

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    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at

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