Attack on Titan, News, TV Shows

What Date & Time Does Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 10 Air?

Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 10 time

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Forget Valentine’s, we have Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 10 about to air! The newest episode, called A Sound Argument, is finally almost here. Last week, we watched the crew grapple with an unexpected death, and we saw how Zeke’s people first came to work with the people of Paradis. This week, we’ll see the group debating the next action they have to take, which could have serious repercussions. Read on for all the details on exactly when the English sub is airing, so you can watch it right when it’s available. We also provide a link to a countdown to the episode’s premiere.

Here's when #AttackonTitan Season 4 Episode 10 premieres on Valentine's Day. Share on X

This article has spoilers for last week’s episode, Season 4 Episode 9. If you want to join a discussion, stop by our Discord server here.  Once you’ve watched the new episode, come back to read our review of Episode 10 here.

Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 10 Premieres Sunday at 12:45 p.m. Pacific in the United States

The English subtitled version of Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 10 will drop on Sunday, February 14 at 12:45 p.m. Pacific in the United States. (Please note that the time in other countries could be different.) In other U.S. time zones, this translates to 1:45 p.m. Mountain, 2:45 p.m. Central, and 3:45 p.m. Eastern on Sunday. In Honolulu, Hawaii, that’s Sunday at 10:45 a.m. In Anchorage, Alaska, that’s Sunday at 11:45 a.m.

This is only the English sub of Episode 10 that drops on Sunday, February 14. The English dub for Episode 10 will air about a month from now. On February 14, the English dub for Season 4 Episode 6 will be drop on Funimation (see links for watching in the last section of this story) after it premieres first on Toonami.

The Japanese-Only Version Airs a Few Hours Before the English Sub Drops

#AttackonTitan S4E10 drops in Japan BEFORE the English sub. So avoid social media if you don't want spoilers! Share on X

Episode 10 will premiere in Japan without English subtitles at 12:10 a.m. Japan time, which is a few hours before it premieres with English subtitles in the United States. This is why you might see spoilers on social media before the episode’s available. If you want to avoid spoilers, then try to avoid social media for a few hours before the English sub premieres in the U.S.

Here’s a Countdown to Season 4 Episode 10, ‘A Sound Argument’

Last week we saw the fallout of Sasha’s death as everyone struggled with her loss. 🙁 Armin especially couldn’t help but wonder if they could have made a different decision at some point. His feelings were strongly reminiscent of how he felt when Eren was eaten in his place and when he was chosen over Erwin. Armin struggled with guilt. We also watched Nicolo, a Marleyan, struggle with intense grief over Sasha’s loss because they had bonded so much.

The episode also revealed how Zeke’s people, led by Yelena, ended up working with the Paradisians. Meanwhile, Gabi still holds her hatred for Eren close despite knowing that Zeke was behind the whole thing.

You can see our review of last week’s episode here.

If you want a countdown to the new episode, we created one for you at this link

How to Watch Season 4 Episode 10 Online

The premiere time for Episode 10 (the subtitled English version) is the same no matter which streaming service you’re using in the United States. Here are the links where you’ll be able to watch it.

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Funimation: Watch via this link. (U.S., Canada, UK, Ireland, Brazil, Mexico) for Season 4 Episode 10. Funimation is also where you can watch the dub versions.

Hulu: Hulu has Attack on Titan Season 4 at this link. This is a paid streaming service, but two-week free trials are available to test it out.

Crunchyroll: Watch here for Season 4 episodes, including Episode 10 (aka Episode 69.)

Want to chat about Attack on Titan with our community? Join our Discord server here. You can also follow us by email here.

    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at

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