The first half of the Attack on Titan Blu-Ray edition for Season 4 Part 2 has been released. Volume 3 covers the first half of the episodes in Season 4 Part 2, with Volume 4 being released at a later date. This new release has some pretty significant changes compared to what viewers saw on Funimation, Hulu, or Crunchyroll. Here’s a rundown of the biggest changes that MAPPA made.
This article is anime-focused only and contains no manga spoilers.
Some Mikasa Scenes Were Uncensored
Quite a few changes were made from the anime to the Blu-Ray edition. The Twitter account TOS (@Varmilion20) shared quite a few of the changes, which we’re also sharing below. Please note that the anime version is in the top of the tweets and the Blu-Ray version is the 2nd video in each of the tweets.
One of the big changes was no longer censoring one of Mikasa’s kill scenes in the Blu-Ray.
進撃の巨人The Final season Part2
下がBlu-ray。#AttackOnTitan— TOS (@Varmilion20) July 20, 2022
Here’s a screenshot of the big change:
Mikasa scene is uncensored in the Blu-Ray of The Final Season (TV version VS Blu-Ray version comparison) from ShingekiNoKyojin
Not everyone agrees that this change was for the best.
In a discussion, one Redditor wrote, “This is one of the changes where I prefer the original TV version. It’s more dramatic to have this moment in shadow.”
More Changes Were Made
Another change was made to how Eren appeared as he was grabbing at Ymir after Zeke ordered her to proceed with the euthanization plan.
進撃の巨人The Final season Part2
TVではエレンが止め絵でしたが、Blu-ray版ではアニメーションに。#AttackOnTitan— TOS (@Varmilion20) July 19, 2022
A big change was made to how Eren appeared when he called all the Eldians into the Paths. The Blu-Ray version has more of a staticky TV quality to the moment.
進撃の巨人The Final season Part2
下がBlu-ray版のエレン宣戦布告#AttackOnTitan— TOS (@Varmilion20) July 19, 2022
An additional shot of the military police was added to the dark episode where Armin and Connie killed two Jaegerists.
進撃の巨人The Final season Part2
騙し討ちのシーン、撃たれた憲兵の加筆も。#AttackOnTitan— TOS (@Varmilion20) July 19, 2022
The shot in this scene was changed too. TOS wrote that the movement was “heavier” in the Blu-Ray version.
進撃の巨人The Final season Part2
下のBlu-ray版、動きが人間らしく重くなってる。#AttackOnTitan— TOS (@Varmilion20) July 19, 2022
The changes to Ymir’s original Titan are pretty astounding on the Blu-Ray:
進撃の巨人The Final season Part2
始祖の巨人 ユミル・フリッツ
下がBlu-ray版#AttackOnTitan— TOS (@Varmilion20) July 19, 2022
The Blu-Ray version makes her a lot more muscular, and her ribs spread out more in a way that’s reminiscent of Eren’s Founding Titan form.
Another change was made to Grisha’s decisive moment against Frieda. More blood is added, and it looks like Grisha’s weapon that he cuts himself with is larger.
進撃の巨人The Final season Part2
これは素晴らしい。#AttackOnTitan— TOS (@Varmilion20) July 19, 2022
Frieda’s coat was changed in that same scene to be less billowy. Her face was also changed.
Several Grisha scenes were changed. You can see some changes to the key Grisha held in the tweet below.
『進撃の巨人The Final season』BD79話ですが、この鍵のシーンの作画修正(塗りつぶしミスなども修正)されていました。
— 井上トロ (@g6xa3awstGCEljS) July 20, 2022
Here’s another change:
進撃の巨人The Final season Part2
位置関係の修正と壁と背景のディティールアップに迫ってくるアルミンミカサのアニメーションも追加される。 #AttackOnTitan— TOS (@Varmilion20) July 19, 2022
Some minor changes were made to Episode 81. Note that although some of the tweets below say “potentially sensitive content,” they really aren’t – they’re just screenshots from Attack on Titan.
『進撃の巨人The Final season』BD3巻の再比較。
これで2回目の比較終わりです。— 井上トロ (@g6xa3awstGCEljS) July 20, 2022
Looks like the baby no longer has teeth here:
『進撃の巨人The Final season』BD3巻再比較中で次79話に取り掛かってるのですが、いきなり凡ミスを見逃してました。
— 井上トロ (@g6xa3awstGCEljS) July 20, 2022
This discussion shares photo changes from the episode “From You, 2000 Years Ago.” These photos are from a Reddit discussion here, but note this is in TitanFolk where manga spoilers are freely shared.

Also on TitanFolk, u/Takahashi-Jin wrote: “Don’t judge the blu-ray release based on screenshots alone. A lot of scenes got completely re-animated and are better in motion.” (Note once again that TitanFolk is spoiler heavy with manga spoilers.)
Don’t judge the blu-ray release based on screenshots alone. A lot of scenes got completely re-animated and are better in motion from titanfolk
And here are some more summary photos comparing other scenes. Note once again that you can just click “view” to see the tweet if it’s shielded as “sensitive content” for you. The photos are just Attack on Titan screenshots.
『進撃の巨人The Final season』BD3巻の81話を放送版と比較。
これで3巻分は終わりです。— 井上トロ (@g6xa3awstGCEljS) July 19, 2022
『進撃の巨人The Final season』BDの80話を放送版と比較。
ミカサの戦闘シーンは中割りです。劣化してるように見えるかもしれませんが中割りです。— 井上トロ (@g6xa3awstGCEljS) July 19, 2022
『進撃の巨人The Final season』
細かく丁寧に修正されています。— 井上トロ (@g6xa3awstGCEljS) July 19, 2022
TOS does note that the new Blu-Ray that’s available doesn’t have English audio or subtitles, so it might not be time to run out and get your copy yet.
— TOS (@Varmilion20) July 19, 2022
The translated tweet reads: “The biggest drawback of Attack on Titan’s Japanese disc is that it doesn’t contain English audio and subtitles.”
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