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Multiple UFO Amendments on Disclosure Submitted for 2025 NDAA

UFO disclosure is a hot topic again for the NDAA.

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Legislation related to UFOs is being introduced by various members of Congress, with the hope that at least some of these amendments will make it into the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA.) One of these is a reintroduction of the UAP Disclosure Act (UAPDA) that Sen. Schumer and Sen. Rounds submitted for the 2024 NDAA (along with Sen. Rubio and Sen. Gillibrand), which was subsequently changed quite a bit in its final approved form

Here’s a quick rundown of the legislation introduced so far. It’s worth noting that these may not be the last UAP amendments submitted for inclusion in the 2025 NDAA, and it remains to be seen if any of them will make it into the final piece of legislation approved by both the House and the Senate. 

UPDATE: The House Rules Committee did not discuss or include any of the UAP amendments for consideration in the House’s version of the 2025 NDAA. On Twitter, Ronak P. noted that a “limited number of amendments” were only considered if referred from the House Armed Services Committee. Rep. Robert Garcia tweeted that all three of his amendments were blocked from even being considered. 

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A New UAP Disclosure Act Is Being Offered

Rep. Robert Garcia (D-Calif.) introduced three separate pieces of legislation for potential inclusion in the 2025 NDAA. The first is an attempt to re-establish the parts of Schumer & Rounds’ UAPDA that didn’t make it into the 2024 NDAA. It was filed as an amendment at the House Rules Committee meeting in June. 

You can read the document in full below. 

Garcia New UAPDA by Stephanie Dube Dwilson on Scribd

For comparison, you can read Schumer’s original UAPDA here

Garcia’s 47-page amendment is titled “Amendemnt to Rules Committee Print 118-36, Subtitle D – Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure.” Like the 2024 UAPDA, this one seeks to establish a UAP records review board appointed by the President, as recommended by groups including the mysterious “UAP Disclosure Foundation.”

Much like the JFK documents, of which some files remain classified to this day, this UAPDA gives the President the ability to delay disclosure.  

The document also reintroduces eminent domain, which was removed from the 2024 NDAA. It gives the federal government “eminent domain over any and all recovered technologies of unknown origin and biological evidence of non-human intelligence that may be controlled by private persons or entities in the interests of the public good.” 

Skinwalker Ranch owner Brandon Fugal has spoken out about why he feels eminent domain over UAPs is a bad idea. 

Senate Intelligence Committee Seeks Greater Oversight of AARO 

The Senate Intelligence Committee has also submitted its UAP-related proposals within the FY 2025 Intelligence Authorization Act (S. 4443). This includes a provision under Title X called Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena with three sections. 

As we previously reported, one of these sections is Section 1001. It will require closer oversight of AARO by the GAO (Government Accountability Office.) In a press release about the act, Sen. Mark R. Warner’s office noted that the Act “Requires a Government Accountability Office (GAO) review of the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office regarding unidentified anomalous phenomena reporting and Federal agency coordination.” 

Section 1002 is a technical section changing requirements related to audits of the UAP historical record report and adding specific dates. 

Section 1003 continues to prohibit funding of IC controlled access programs involving UAPs unless details are provided by the Director of National Intelligence to the congressional intelligence committee. 

There are a few additional points in the IAA that might tangentially help UAP investigations, as listed in Warner’s press release: 

  • “Reforms management of controlled access programs to improve Congressional oversight.” (There are concerns that many access programs are used to hide information from Congress about UAP work.) 
  • “Maintains strong congressional oversight of and enhances protections for IC whistleblowers.” (UAP whistleblowers have come to the intelligence community but they fear for their safety, Sen. Marco Rubio has previously stated.) 
  • “Requires the IC to establish an IC-wide policy authorizing a program for contractor-based sensitive compartmented information facilities, to improve public-private cooperation on technology innovation.” (There is concern that technological innovation involving reverse-engineered UAPs is hidden within contractor sensitive programs.) 

Rep. Garcia Filed an Amendment Requiring the FAA to Accept UAP Reports & Protect Pilots

Ryan Graves tweet
Ryan Graves tweet

Another amendment Rep. Garcia filed was the Safe Airspace for Americans Act. 

Garcia tweeted: “My first amendment creates a UAP reporting mechanism for civilian pilots.”

Ryan Graves, a pilot who testified to Congress in July 2023 about UFO encounters, wrote about the amendment: “I’m happy to report the Safe Airspace for Americans Act has been proposed as an amendment to the FY25 NDAA. This legislation will require the FAA to accept UAP reports and protect pilots from retribution for reporting, something our witnesses are often requesting!”

The House Rules Committee describes the amendment this way: “Facilitates the reporting of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) by civilian aviation personnel. Reports would be shared by the FAA to All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) at the Department of Defense, with legal protections for those making reports. Text is identical to H.R.6967 – Safe Airspace for Americans Act.”

Rep. Garcia’s 3rd Amendment Gives AARO Access to Covert Intel

“My final amendment ensures AARO has access to convert intel for investigations,” Rep. Garcia also tweeted

The House Rules Committee describes the amendment this way: “Ensures DOD’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) has access to all Title 50 covert intelligence, including intelligence collection, tasking and counter-intelligence, when investigating Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP). Promotes the director of the AARO Office to a Senior Executive Service position.”

Burchett’s Amendment Is Also Being Considered for the NDAA

As we previously reported, Rep. Tim Burchett’s UAP amendment is also being considered for the 2025 NDAA. This is a simple 2-page bill seeking full transparency with no exceptions or loopholes. 

The House Rules Committee describes the amendment this way: “Requires executive agencies to declassify and make available all documents, reports, or other records on unidentified anomalous phenomena.”

This work by Stephanie Dwilson is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. Please note that this license does not include photos or videos that may be in the story.

    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at [email protected].

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