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Congressman: ‘Big’ Announcement on UFOs Coming Soon

Burlison has a "big" announcement about UAPs coming soon. Pictured is an illustration of what a UFO might look like. (Canva)

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A House representative hinted this week that a big announcement regarding UFOs will be happening soon. This is the latest in a series of intriguing details recently released as members of Congress investigate UAP allegations, including those from whistleblower David Grusch

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Rep. Eric Burlison Said He Has a ‘Big Thing’ to Announce Soon About UAPs

Rep. Burlison (C-SPAN)
Rep. Burlison (C-SPAN)

In an interview with AskaPol on February 14, Rep. Eric Burlison said that he has a big announcement about UAPs that he will be making in the near future. 

“I’m working on it. Right now, I’ve got something up my sleeve. I don’t want to talk. I’ll keep you informed, because I got a big thing that I’m gonna announce,” he told AskaPol. 

AskaPol then asked if this big announcement was UAP related, and Burlison replied, “Yes.” 

You can see more quotes and details about UAPs by subscribing to Askapol’s substack publication.

The interview took place after Burlison left a SCIF that discussed the Russian national security threat that House Intel Chair Mike Turner had publicly sought declassification over. Burlison commented that he was more afraid of the NDA he had to sign about the SCIF than the information revealed in the SCIF itself. 

SCIF is short for “Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility.” This is the only place where highly classified information, such as Grusch’s evidence about a possible UAP program, can be shared. 

Burlison Said Lue Elizondo Presented Information Similar to Grusch

AskaPol also reported that Burlison revealed Lue Elizondo had been in D.C. for a Conservative Opportunity Society breakfast. What was presented by Elizondo at the event, he said, “is very similar to what David Grusch was presenting.” But, he added, the presentation was not done in a SCIF or under oath. 

Grusch has publicly alleged in a whistleblower complaint that that U.S. has a secret UAP retrieval and reverse engineering program. The ICIG found Grusch’s complaint to be credible and urgent. 

In Post Apocalyptic Media’s in-depth look at Grusch’s claims, we noted that Grusch first provided evidence in July 2021 to the Department of Defense Inspector General, alleging that UAP-related information was being illegally withheld from Congress. He said that he suffered retaliation at his job after this, and retained attorney Charles McCullough III, a former Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG), to represent him in filing a statutory whistleblower complaint to the current Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (ICIG), Thomas A. Monheim. 

McCullough filed Grusch’s complaint in May 2022 and Grusch testified, under oath, about what he knew. By July 2022, the ICIG ruled that Grusch’s assertion that information was being inappropriately concealed from Congress was both urgent and credible. 

After the ICIG met with House representatives in a SCIF in mid-January, Burlison shared: “I feel like he (the ICIG) gave a lot of clarity to me. I think that some people are looking for things, this was not the venue to determine those things, but for me, I got a lot of clarity… But it does give us a direction to go next, and that’s the key thing.” 

Burlison later told Askapol that they were given specific locations that they are going to be looking into. 

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    Stephanie Dwilson started Post Apocalyptic Media with her husband Derek. She's a licensed attorney and has a master's in science and technology journalism. You can reach her at [email protected].

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