The Bubonic Reorder



Aaron Spelker’s debut novel is an apocalyptic medical thriller called The Bubonic Reorder. He originally conceived of the novel in 2014 and spent the next 5 years researching the novel. In 2019, Aaron was involved in an accident that cost him his vision. He dedicated the months following his vision loss toward the writing of The Bubonic Reorder. Aaron has been interviewed on podcasts, television, radio, and print about his journey to write The Bubonic Reorder in the aftermath of a devastating loss. Below is the write-up from the back cover. The book has a 4.8 rating on Amazon

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The year 1347 is a difficult time to be in Sicily; Tita must leave everything she knows in order to save her son Luca from the same devastating fate that her husband experienced. The key to their survival may be within Tita’s very being.

Centuries later, three lives find themselves unexpectedly intertwined.

Retired US Army Staff Sergeant Alex Volk is troubled; he can’t seem to get his life back together after his parents died in a car accident. The best part of his life is his hardworking wife, who is employed at the local emergency room and can handle anything. Or so Alex thought.

When Boston University student Angela Sindile begins her summer internship with NEIDL, her life is right on track to someday becoming a leader in medical research. The handsome Dr. Ethan Strong takes particular interest in his new intern Angela, as they are about to embark on the biggest challenge of their careers. Can Dr. Strong find the elusive solution to a potentially impossible problem? The trio may find the answers they are seeking, if they learn the lessons of the past.

The Bubonic Reorder is the first novel by Aaron Spelker. He conceived the idea in 2014, but only found the time to write the book in 2019 after losing his sight. Aaron is an author, commentator, financial advisor, entrepreneur, teacher, father, husband, and friend, and he also manages to fit in being blind.

Updates (interviews, reviews, news, book trailers, etc.) related to The Bubonic Reorder can be found on the book’s Facebook page. Here is the link:


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