Extinct, TV Shows

Extinct Season 2: Is the TV Series Returning?

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UPDATE: Sadly, Extinct was not renewed. 🙁 


Extinct’s finale for Season 1 was impressive. Two episodes aired back-to-back on November 19, and the first thing we did at Post Apocalyptic Media when we finished was check to see when Season 2 begins. It looks like BYUtv hasn’t decided yet whether the show is renewed. It premiered on October 1, so if it comes back it will likely be in the fall of 2018. But as of the time of publication, they haven’t announced if the show is renewed or not. Well, we have one thing to say about that: Extinct deserves to be renewed.

#Extinct NEEDS a Season 2. Here's what you can do to help. Share on X

Every time Extinct posts on its Facebook page, an excited fan asks about Season 2. Nothing’s been announced yet, but maybe now that the season has finished, good news will be announced soon. In early November, we wrote a review about Extinct. We told you how, with Orson Scott Card at the helm, this post-apocalyptic series is definitely worthwhile. Well, it just got better from there.

Spoilers for the Season Finale Below

Silas and Ezra were able to join forces and take down the skinriders from the inside. This was only possible with Abram’s wisdom and help, and the cunning of Lynn and Kylie. Right before he died, Duncan was able to briefly regain control and delay Jax from stopping their plan. He was only able to do this last act because of Feena’s influence on him. It seems that each person the Obelisk Aliens brought back had a unique role to play in helping ensure the survival of the human race. A twist we particularly enjoyed was when a key part of Ezra’s taking down the skinriders was hidden in his past. Ezra’s mom left a package for him in the past, and it seems that the package’s sole purpose was to implant a memory that he could use to carry a detonator into the skinriders’ collective memory. Wow. (And if that sounds confusing, well… it was pretty intricate. And creative.)

At the end, there was an intriguing cliffhanger. We see Ezra’s mom and Duncan (the real Duncan?) on a ship orbiting the Earth. A grey drone was filming everything the humans were doing and sending that information up to them. They are the ones behind the Obelisk, it appears. But who is behind their actions?

Oh, and don’t forget that Jax is somehow still alive! We don’t know if he’s still controlled by a skinrider. We do know that the Sparks created a person right in front of him. Are they bringing someone else back to life or were the Sparks always a person, just operating in a different form?

We have to know!

Here’s what you can do to help bring the show back for Season 2. 

OK, we’re not really content to just sit here and do nothing. Like Ezra, Abram, Lynn, Feena and Kylie, we have to do something. One of the stars, Chad Michael Collins, has encouraged fans to let BYUtv know they want the show back:


So here are some ideas to help nudge BYUtv in the right direction.

Here's what you can do to help get #Extinct renewed for Season 2! Share on X
  • Tell your friends about Extinct. You can still stream all 10 episodes in the season here. The more people they get streaming the series, the more likely they’ll be to renew. Try tweeting this:
#Extinct is AMAZING. You MUST see it. Stream it for free here: http://bit.ly/2B2zqNH Share on X We need #Extinct Season 2! #RenewExtinct @byutv @ExtinctTVShow Share on X
  • Repeat.

Even once the show is officially renewed, you should keep doing these things, because it’s a really fun post-apocalyptic series.

Here’s some of the buzz from the stars on social media. 

The stars of the show love their work and so do the fans. It’s been fun watching their tweets online.

And fans are already calling for a Season 2!

We’ll keep you posted when there are more updates about Season 2.

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    Derek is a licensed (non-practicing) attorney with a keen interest in avoiding catastrophe. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

    Contact: derek@postapocalyptic.com

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